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Video Definition 44--3D Geometry--Surface Area

Surface Area


3D Geometry


Surface area is the total area covered by the surface of a three-dimensional object.


Surface area is a critical concept in geometry, representing the total area that covers the surface of a three-dimensional object. It is essential for calculating material requirements in construction, manufacturing, and packaging. Understanding surface area involves summing the areas of all the faces or curved surfaces of a shape. In mathematics, surface area is crucial for understanding the properties of shapes and their applications. In math education, surface area helps students develop spatial reasoning skills and understand the relationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry. For example, the surface area of a cylinder is calculated as 

A = 2πr(h + r)

where r is the radius and h is the height.

Surface Area
How can you calculate the surface area of this water tower?

For a complete collection of terms related to 3D Geometry click on this link: 3D Geometry Video Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.MD.C.3
Duration 1 minutes
Grade Range 4 - 6
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Surface Area and Volume
        • Surface Area
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords three-dimensional geometry, 3d Geometry, defnitions, glossary term