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Video Definition 46--3D Geometry--Triangular Prism

Triangular Prism


3D Geometry


A triangular prism is a three-dimensional shape with two parallel triangular bases and three rectangular faces.


Triangular prisms are important geometric shapes characterized by their two parallel triangular bases and three rectangular lateral faces. They are used in various fields, including architecture, engineering, and optics, to create structures and lenses. In mathematics, triangular prisms are essential for understanding concepts of volume and surface area, with formulas like 

V = Base Area × Height

for volume. In math education, triangular prisms help students visualize three-dimensional shapes and understand the properties of polyhedra. For example, a triangular prism has five faces, nine edges, and six vertices, illustrating the relationship between different geometric properties.

Triangular Prism
Do you see the triangular prism structure of this tent?

For a complete collection of terms related to 3D Geometry click on this link: 3D Geometry Video Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.MD.C.3
Duration 1 minutes
Grade Range 4 - 6
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • 3D Geometry
        • Triangular Prisms
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords three-dimensional geometry, 3d Geometry, defnitions, glossary term