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Video Transcript: Geometry Applications: Triangles, Segment 3: Right Triangles

Video Transcript: Geometry Applications: Triangles, Segment 3: Right Triangles

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: The ancient port city of Corinth in Greece allows us to explore the evolution of sailing. The shapes of sails went from rectangular to triangular. The use of right-triangle-shaped sails changed the nature of sailing. Becoming less reliant on oarsmen and being able to sail under nearly any wind conditions, the sailboat made the conquest of the seas possible. We explore the properties of right triangles that make such sails ideal.

This is part of a collection of video transcript from the Geometry Applications video series. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link.

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Grade Range 6 - 12
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Triangles
        • Applications of Triangles
Copyright Year 2010
Keywords right triangle, area, sailboat, shipping, sailing, video transcript