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Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Linear Functions. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link.

Note: The download is a PDF file.

Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Video Library

To see the complete collection of videos in the Video Library, click on this link.

Grade Range 6 - 12
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Linear Functions and Equations
        • Graphs of Linear Functions
Copyright Year 2019
Keywords linear functions, slope-intercept form