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Video Tutorial: The Distributive Property, Video 10

Video Tutorial: The Distributive Property, Video 10


Mathematical Properties


This video addresses positive constants with negative x-coefficients and subtraction. Examples include expressions like -x - 9 multiplied by 7. Vocabulary includes distribute, inequality, and positive area. Applications link inequalities with the distributive property to find positive solutions.

In this video, we delve into the relevance of the topic, exploring key mathematical concepts related to the distributive property. The distributive property is a fundamental principle of arithmetic and algebra, allowing for simplification and manipulation of expressions. This video helps learners recognize patterns and apply logical reasoning to solve problems effectively.

Teacher's Script: Today, we’ll explore an important mathematical tool. Imagine you need to distribute quantities evenly across groups or simplify an expression involving multiplication and addition. The video you’ll watch demonstrates practical scenarios and mathematical reasoning behind these operations. Pay close attention to the steps and examples shown, as they’ll help you understand the systematic application of the distributive property.

For a complete collection of videos related to Mathematical Operations click on this link: Video Tutorials: The Distributive Property Collection.

Duration 5.67 minutes
Grade Range 6 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
        • Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Copyright Year 2017
Keywords distributive property, grouping symbols, numerical expressions, distributive property videos, video tutorial