

VA Standards Alignments

These are the resources that support this Virginia Standard.

3.PS.1.e - Analyze data represented in pictographs and bar graphs, and communicate results orally and in writing: i) describe the categories of data and the data as a whole (e.g., data were collected on preferred ways to cook or prepare eggs - scrambled, fried, hard boiled, and egg salad); ii) identify parts of the data that have special characteristics, including categories with the greatest, the least, or the same (e.g., most students prefer scrambled eggs); iii) make inferences about data represented in pictographs and bar graphs; iv) use characteristics of the data to draw conclusions about the data and make predictions based on the data (e.g., it is unlikely that a third grader would like hard boiled eggs); and v) solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction problems using data from pictographs and bar graphs.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 resources:

Thumbnail Image Title Description Curriculum Nodes
Math Clip Art

Math Clip Art Collection: Statistics

This collection aggregates all the math clip art around the topic of Statistics. There are a total of 55 images. Data Analysis, Probability, Data Gathering and Counting
Segmented bar graph

Instructional Resource--Segmented Bar Graphs

Instructional Resource | Constructing a Segmented Bar Graph

This tutorial goes over the construction of a segmented bar graph, along with how it differs from other chart types.

Data Analysis
Math Clip Art--Statistics--Bar Graph

Math Clip Art--Statistics--Bar Graph

Math Clip Art--Statistics--Bar Graph

This is part of a collection of math clip art images that show different statistical graphs and concepts, along with some probability concepts.

Data Analysis