Princeton Review

 Lesson Plan: Comparing Fractions

Lesson Objectives:

  • Compare fractions using various strategies
  • Use visual models to compare fractions
  • Compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator
  • Use benchmarks to compare fractions

Florida BEST Standards

  • MA.3.FR.2.1: Plot, order and compare fractional numbers with the same numerator or the same denominator.
  • MA.3.FR.1.1: Represent and interpret unit fractions in the form 1/n as the quantity formed by one part when a whole is partitioned into n equal parts.
  • MA.3.FR.1.2: Represent and interpret fractions, including fractions greater than one, in the form of m/n as the result of adding the unit fraction 1/n to itself m times.
  • MA.3.FR.2.2: Plot and locate fractions on a number line, including fractions greater than one and mixed numbers.

Prerequisite Skills

  • Understanding fractions
  • Familiarity with equivalence
  • Modeling fractions visually

Key Vocabulary

  • Comparing Fractions
  • Ordering Fractions
  • Benchmark Fraction

Warm-up Activity (5 minutes)

Review the following terms using these video definitions:

Teach (15 minutes)

Equivalent and Unit Fractions

Briefly review the concept of equivalent fractions and how to create equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number.

Use this slideshow to review equivalent fractions.

Start by comparing unit fractions. Use this resource:

Methods for Comparing 

Introduce three methods for comparing fractions:

  1. Visual Models: Show these examples of using number lines to compare fractions. Use this slideshow.
  2. Benchmark Fractions: Compare fractions to benchmark fractions like 1/2 or 1/4 to determine which is greater or less. Use this resource:
  3. Common Denominators: Find a common denominator for the fractions and compare their numerators.
    1. Start by defining common denominators by using this video definition:
    2.  Generate equivalent fractions to find the common denominator. Use this resource to review this technique:

Use this resource to show different strategies for comparing fractions:

Review (5 minutes)

Introduce this game to review comparing fractions:

Use this Quizlet Flash Card set to review comparing and ordering fractions:

Assess (5 minutes)

Use this 10-question quiz.


  1. Which fraction is greater, 1/3 or 1/4?

  2. Compare 5/8 and 3/4 using a visual model.

  3. Use a benchmark fraction to determine which is greater, 7/10 or 3/5.

  4. Find a common denominator to compare 2/3 and 5/6.

  5. Which fraction is less, 1/2 or 3/4?

  6. Compare 7/9 and 5/9 by reasoning about their size.

  7. Use a visual model to compare 1/6 and 1/3.

  8. Find a common denominator to compare 3/8 and 5/12.

  9. Which fraction is greater, 2/5 or 1/3?

  10. Compare 7/13 and 6/17 using a benchmark fraction.


Answer Key

  1. 1/3
  2. 5/8 is less than 3/4
  3. 7/10 is greater than 3/5
  4. 8/12 and 10/12, so 5/6 is greater than 2/3
  5. 3/4
  6. 5/9 is less than 7/9
  7. 1/3 is greater than 1/6
  8. 9/24 and 10/24, so 5/12 is greater than 3/8
  9. 2/5
  10. 7/13 is greater than 6/17


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