Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 8 Unit 3

Functions and Volume

Lesson 15: The Volume of a Cone

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Topic
Collection Holiday Themed Resource Collection: Math in the News  

This is a collection of Holiday-Themed issues of Math in the News.


Data Analysis, Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Surface Area and Volume
Math Examples Math Examples Collection: Volume


This collection of math examples on the topic of Volume provides students with an in-depth exploration of volume concepts through a variety of visual models. Covering a range of skills and increasing in complexity, this collection helps students master foundational and advanced topics in volume. From calculating the volume of basic geometric shapes to applying volume formulas to complex objects, these examples build confidence and enhance comprehension by breaking down challenging concepts visually.

Math Videos Math Video Collection: Geometry Applications Video Series: 3D Geometry


This collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: Geometry Applications Video Series: 3D Geometry. There are a total of 18 resources. This collection of resources is made up of downloadable MP4, transcripts, and other resources files that you can easily incorporate into a presentation.


3-Dimensional Figures, Applications of 3D Geometry, Pyramids, Cylinders, Rectangular Prisms and Triangular Prisms
Math Videos Math Video Collection: 3D Geometry Animations


This collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: 3D Geometry Animations. There are a total of 10 resources. This collection of resources is made up of downloadable MP4, transcripts, and other resources files that you can easily incorporate into a presentation.


3-Dimensional Figures, Cubes, Cones, Triangular Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Rectangular Prisms
Math in the News Math in the News Collection: Applications of Data Analysis


This is a collection of Math in the News stories that focus on the topic of Data Analysis.



Data Analysis, Data Gathering, Probability, Percents and Ratios and Rates
Math in the News Math in the News Collection: Business Math


This is a collection of issues of Math in the News that deal with business applications.



Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Data Analysis and Volume
Math in the News Math in the News Collection: Applications of 3D Geometry


This is a collection of issues of Math in the News that deal with applications of 3D geometry.



3-Dimensional Figures and Applications of 3D Geometry
Math in the News Math in the News Collection: Applications of Surface Area and Volume


This is a collection of issues of Math in the News that deal with applications of Surface Area and Volume.



Surface Area and Volume
Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Collection: Cross-Sections of 3D Figures Cross-Sections of 3D Figures | 3-Lesson Unit

This collection of geometry lesson plans explores how slicing three-dimensional figures produces different cross-sections.

3-Dimensional Figures and Applications of 3D Geometry
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Antiprism VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Antiprism VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Antiprism

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures and Triangular Prisms
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Cone VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Cone VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Cone

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures and Cones
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Cube VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Cube VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Cube

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures and Cubes
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Cylinder VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Cylinder 3D Geometry Animation: Cylinder

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures and Cylinders
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Octahedron VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Octahedron VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Octahedron

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Pyramid VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Pyramid VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Pyramid

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures and Pyramids
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Rectangular Prism VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Rectangular Prism VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Rectangular Prism

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures and Rectangular Prisms
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Tetrahedron VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Tetrahedron VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Tetrahedron

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures
VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Triangular Prism VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Triangular Prism VIDEO: 3D Geometry Animation: Triangular Prism

This is part of a series of video animations of three-dimensional figures. These animations show different views of these figures: top, side, and bottom. Many of these figures are a standard part of the geometry curriculum and being able to recognize them is important.


Study these animations to learn the basic properties of these 3D figures. In particular, make a note of their sides, edges, and vertices. Look for any symmetries they have. Look for polygon shapes that are familiar. Finally, think of real-world examples that use these  figures.

Below we also include information about Platonic solids and 2D nets of these 3D figures. To get a better understanding of these 3D figures, study these basic forms.

3-Dimensional Figures
Math Clip Art Animated Math Clip Art--3D Geometry--Horizontal Cross-Section of a Rectangular Prism Animated Math Clip Art: Horizontal Cross-Section of a Rectangular Prism

This animated math clip art illustrates how a horizontal plane intersects a rectangular prism, forming a two-dimensional cross-section. As the plane moves through the prism, students can observe that the resulting cross-section is always a rectangle, reinforcing key geometric concepts related to slicing three-dimensional shapes.

Ideal for classroom instruction, this GIF animation helps students develop spatial reasoning by demonstrating how horizontal slices interact with the structure of a rectangular prism. This visual aid is particularly useful for teaching cross-sections in geometry, emphasizing how different slicing directions produce distinct 2D shapes.

Rectangular Prisms
Animated Math Clip Art Animated Math Clip Art--3D Geometry--Rotating a Triangle to Form a Cone Rotating a Triangle to Form a Cone


3D Geometry


This animation shows how rotating a triangle around one of its sides creates a cone. It's a powerful visualization of how 2D shapes can generate 3D objects through rotation.

Animated math clip art like this is crucial for teaching as it helps students visualize the formation of cones. Teachers can use this to introduce concepts of volume and surface area of cones, as well as topics in calculus related to solids of revolution.

Math Clip Art Animated Math Clip Art--3D Geometry--Vertical Cross-Section of a Rectangular Prism Animated Math Clip Art: Vertical Cross-Section of a Rectangular Prism

This animated math clip art visually demonstrates how a vertical plane intersects a rectangular prism, producing a two-dimensional cross-section. As the plane moves through the 3D shape, students can observe how the resulting cross-section remains a rectangle, reinforcing key geometric concepts related to slicing three-dimensional figures.

Perfect for classroom instruction, this GIF animation helps students develop spatial reasoning by illustrating how a vertical slice interacts with the faces of a rectangular prism. This resource is particularly useful for teaching cross-sections in geometry and preparing students to understand more complex 3D slicing concepts.

Rectangular Prisms
Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry


3D Geometry

3-Dimensional Figures and Applications of 3D Geometry
Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, Segment 1: Introduction. Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, 1 Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, 1


3D Geometry


Description: This segment introduces Platonic solids, including tetrahedron, cube, and dodecahedron, emphasizing their congruent edges, vertices, and angles. It connects these geometric figures to both natural and man-made structures, setting the stage for exploring 3D geometry applications.

3-Dimensional Figures and Applications of 3D Geometry
Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, Segment 2: Pyramids Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, 2 Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, 2


3D Geometry


Description: This segment explores pyramids, particularly Mayan and Egyptian structures, to distinguish rectangular and square bases. It discusses the volume of truncated pyramids using proportional relationships and introduces the concept of tiered volume reduction through geometric sequences.

3-Dimensional Figures, Pyramids and Applications of 3D Geometry
Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, Segment 3: Cylinders Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, 3 Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry, 3


3D Geometry


Description: This segment examines cylinders, using the Shanghai Tower as a case study. It highlights how adjustments to height and radius affect volume and surface area, demonstrating these principles with geometric calculations and their architectural applications in energy efficiency.

3-Dimensional Figures, Cylinders and Applications of 3D Geometry
Geometry Applications Teachers Guide: 3D Geometry Geometry Applications Teachers Guide: 3D Geometry Geometry Applications Teachers Guide: 3D Geometry

This is the Teacher's Guide that accompanies Geometry Applications: 3D Geometry.

This is part of a collection of teacher's guides. To see the complete collection of teacher's guides, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

To see resources related to this topic click on the Related Resources tab above.

Applications of 3D Geometry

This set of tutorials provides an overview of the 24 worked-out examples that show how to calculate the surface area of different three-dimensional figures.

This is part of a collection of math examples for a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Surface Area
Lesson Plans Lesson Plan: Cross-Sections of 3D Figures, Part 1 Lesson Plan: Cross-Sections of 3D Figures

In this engaging math lesson, students explore cross-sections of cubes, cylinders, and cones through interactive activities, real-world examples, and animated visuals. They will learn how slicing three-dimensional shapes in different ways produces a variety of two-dimensional figures, helping to develop spatial reasoning and geometric understanding.

The lesson begins with a conceptual introduction to cross-sections, followed by hands-on practice with everyday objects such as gift boxes, paper towel rolls, and ice cream cones. Students will investigate how horizontal, vertical, and diagonal slices impact the resulting shapes. Animated GIFs illustrate these concepts, reinforcing learning through dynamic visual representations.

3-Dimensional Figures
Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 1 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 1 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 1




A rectangular prism with dimensions labeled: length = 30, width = 10, and height = 8. The image shows how to find the volume of the prism using the formula for volume of a rectangular prism. This image illustrates Example 1: The caption explains how to calculate the volume of the rectangular prism using the formula V = l * w * h. The given dimensions are substituted into the formula: V = 30 * 10 * 8 = 2400..

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 10 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 10 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 10




A green cylinder with a general radius y and height x. The radius is marked on the top surface, and the height is marked on the side. This image illustrates Example 10: The task is to find the volume of this cylinder. The volume formula V = πr2h is used, and substituting r = y and h = x, the volume is calculated as V = xy2π.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 11 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 11 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 11




A hollow green cylinder with an outer radius of 10 units, an inner radius of 9 units, and a height of 15 units. The radii are marked on the top surface, and the height is marked on the side. This image illustrates Example 11: The task is to find the volume of this hollow cylinder. The volume formula for a hollow cylinder V = πr12h1 - πr22h2 is used. Substituting values, the result is V = 285π.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 12 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 12 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 12




A hollow green cylinder with an outer radius y, an inner radius y - 1, and a height x. The radii are marked on the top surface, and the height is marked on the side. This image illustrates Example 12: The task is to find the volume of this hollow cylinder. Using V = π(r12h1 - r22h2), substituting values gives: V = πx(y2 - (y - 1)2= πx(2y - 1).

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 13 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 13 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 13




A rectangular-based pyramid is shown with dimensions: base length 10, base width 8, and height 30. The image demonstrates how to calculate the volume of this pyramid. This image illustrates Example 13: The caption provides a step-by-step solution for calculating the volume of a pyramid with a rectangular base using the formula V = (1/3) * Area of Base * h. Substituting values: V = (1/3) * 8 * 10 * 30 = 800.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 14 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 14 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 14




A general rectangular-based pyramid is shown with variables x, y, and z representing the base dimensions and height. This example shows how to calculate the volume of a pyramid using variables instead of specific numbers. This image illustrates Example 14: The caption explains how to calculate the volume of a pyramid with a rectangular base using the formula V = (1/3) * Area of Base * h, which simplifies to V = (1/3) * x * y * z.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 15 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 15 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 15



Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 16 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 16 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 16




A truncated rectangular-based pyramid is shown with variables x, y, and z representing dimensions. The smaller virtual pyramid has reduced dimensions by 3 units for both width and length and reduced height by z - 20. The image demonstrates how to calculate the volume in terms of variables. This image illustrates Example 16: The caption explains how to find the volume of a truncated pyramid using variables for both pyramids' dimensions. Formula: V = (1/3) * xy(z + 20) - (1/3) * (y - 3)(x - 3)(z), which simplifies to V = (1/3) * (xyz + 60x + 60y - 180).

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 17 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 17 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 17




A green sphere with a radius labeled as 3. The image is part of a math example showing how to calculate the volume of a sphere. This image illustrates Example 17: The text describes finding the volume of a sphere. The formula used is V = (4/3) * π * r3, where r = 3. After substituting, the result is V = 36π.

Volume is a fundamental concept in geometry that helps students understand the space occupied by three-dimensional objects. In this collection, each example uses various geometric shapes to calculate volume, showcasing real-life applications of volume in different shapes.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 18 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 18 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 18





A green sphere with a radius labeled as x. This image is part of a math example showing how to calculate the volume of a sphere using an unknown radius. This image illustrates Example 18: The text explains how to find the volume of a sphere with an unknown radius x. The formula used is V = (4/3) * π * r3, and substituting r = x gives V = (4/3) * x3 * π.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 19 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 19 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 19





A green cube with side length labeled as 7. The image illustrates how to calculate the volume of a cube with known side length. This image illustrates Example 19: The text describes finding the volume of a cube. The formula used is V = s3, where s = 7. After substituting, the result is V = 343.

Volume is a fundamental concept in geometry that helps students understand the space occupied by three-dimensional objects. In this collection, each example uses various geometric shapes to calculate volume, showcasing real-life applications of volume in different shapes.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 2 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 2 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 2




A rectangular prism with dimensions labeled as x, y, and z. The image shows a general example of calculating the volume of a rectangular prism using variables instead of specific numbers. This image illustrates Example 2: The caption describes how to find the volume of a rectangular prism using variables for length (x), width (y), and height (z). The formula is given as V = x * y * z, but no specific values are provided.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 20 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 20 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 20




A green cube with side length labeled as x. This image is part of a math example showing how to calculate the volume of a cube using an unknown side length. This image illustrates Example 20: The text explains how to find the volume of a cube with an unknown side length x. The formula used is V = s3, and substituting s = x gives V = x3.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 21 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 21 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 21




A hollow cube with an outer edge of 9 and an inner hollow region with an edge of 7. The image shows how to calculate the volume by subtracting the volume of the inner cube from the outer cube. This image illustrates Example 21: Find the volume of a hollow cube. The formula used is V = s13 - s23, where s1 is the outer edge (9) and s2 is the inner edge (7). The solution calculates 9^3 - 7^3 = 386..

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 22 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 22 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 22




A hollow cube with an outer edge of x and an inner hollow region with an edge of x - 2. The image shows how to calculate the volume by subtracting the volume of the inner cube from the outer cube. This image illustrates Example 22: Find the volume of a hollow cube. The formula used is V = s13 - s23, where s1 = x and s2 = x - 2. Expanding and simplifying gives V = 6x2 - 12x + 8.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 23 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 23 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 23





A cone with a height of 12 and a radius of 4. The image shows how to calculate its volume using the cone volume formula (V = 1/3 * π * r2 * h). This image illustrates Example 23: Find the volume of a cone. The formula used is V = (1/3) * π * r2 * h, where r = 4 and h = 12. Substituting these values gives V = (1/3) * π * (42) * 12 = 64π.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 24 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 24 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 24




A cone with a height labeled as y and a radius labeled as x. The image shows how to calculate its volume using the cone volume formula (V = 1/3 * π * r2 * h). This image illustrates Example 24: Find the volume of a cone. The formula used is V = (1/3) * π * r2 * h, where r = x and h = y. Substituting these variables gives V = (x^2 * y)/3 * π.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 3 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 3 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 3




A hollow rectangular prism with outer dimensions: length = 60, width = 20, and height = 16. The inner hollow part has dimensions: length = 60, width = 18, and height = 14. The image shows how to subtract volumes to find the hollow volume. This image illustrates Example 3: The caption explains how to calculate the volume of a hollow rectangular prism by subtracting the inner volume from the outer volume. V = (60 * 20 * 16) - (60 * 18 * 14) = 4080.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 4 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 4 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 4




A hollow rectangular prism with outer dimensions labeled as x, y, and z, and inner hollow dimensions labeled as x - 2 and y - 2. The image shows a symbolic calculation for finding the hollow volume using variables. This image illustrates Example 4: The caption describes how to calculate the volume of a hollow rectangular prism by subtracting the inner volume from the outer volume using variables: V = xyz - z(y - 2)(x - 2) = 2z(y + x - 2).

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 5 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 5 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 5




The image shows a triangular prism with dimensions labeled as base (7), height (10), and length (25). It is part of an example on how to calculate the volume of a solid triangular prism. This image illustrates Example 5: "Find the volume of this triangular prism." The solution involves substituting the given measurements into the volume formula for a triangular prism: V = 1/2 * b * h * l = 1/2 * 7 * 10 * 25 = 875.

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 6 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 6 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 6




The image depicts a triangular prism with dimensions labeled as x, y, and z. The example demonstrates how to calculate the volume using a general formula for a triangular prism. This image illustrates Example 6: "Find the volume of this triangular prism." The solution uses the formula V = 1/2 * b * h * l, which is simplified to V = 1/2 * x * y * z..

Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 7 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 7 Math Example--Volume Concepts--Calculating Volume: Example 7




The image shows a hollow triangular prism with outer dimensions labeled as base (10), height (7), and length (35), and inner dimensions labeled as base (8) and height (5). The example calculates the volume by subtracting the hollow region from the full prism. This image illustrates Example 7: "Find the volume of this hollow triangular prism." The solution calculates the full volume using V = 1/2 * b1 * h1 * l1 - 1/2 * b2 * h2 * l2, which simplifies to V = 1/2 * 10 * 7 * 35 - 1/2 * 8 * 5 * 35 = 525..
