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Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 6 Unit 8

Data Sets and Distributions

Lesson 16: Box Plots

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Nodes
Definition--Measures of Central Tendency--Box-and-Whisker Plot Definition--Measures of Central Tendency--Box-and-Whisker Plot Box-and-Whisker Plot




A box-and-whisker plot is a graphical representation of data that displays the distribution through quartiles.


Box-and-whisker plots are useful for visualizing the spread and skewness of a data set, highlighting the median, quartiles, and potential outliers. They are particularly valuable in comparing distributions across different groups. In real-world applications, box plots are used in quality control processes and in analyzing survey data to identify trends and anomalies.

Data Analysis
Closed Captioned Video: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Box-and-Whisker Plot Closed Captioned Video: Box-and-Whisker Plot Closed Captioned Video: Box-and-Whisker Plot

In this TI Nspire tutorial the Spreadsheet and Statistics windows are used to create a box-and-whisker plot. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad. This Mini-Tutorial Video includes a worksheet. .

Data Analysis
Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Box-and-Whisker Plot Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Box-and-Whisker Plot Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Box-and-Whisker Plot

This is the transcript for the TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial entitled, Graphing a Box-and-Whisker Plot.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on using the TI-Nspire Graphing Calculator. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcripts, click on this link.

Data Analysis
Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Box-and-Whisker Plot Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Box-and-Whisker Plot Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Box-and-Whisker Plot

This is part of a collection of math worksheets on the use of the TI-Nspire graphing calculator. Each worksheet supports a companion TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial video. It provides all the keystrokes for the activity.

To see the complete worksheet collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Worksheet Library

To see the complete collection of Worksheets, click on this link.
Data Analysis
Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: In this episode of Algebra Applications, two real-world explorations are developed: Biology. Analyzing statistics from honey bee production allows for a mathematical analysis of the so-called Colony Collapse Disorder. Geology. Why do rivers meander instead of traveling in a straight line? In this segment the geological forces that account for a river??s motion are explained.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, Segment 2: Honey Production Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, Segment 2: Honey Production Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, Segment 2: Honey Production

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: Honey bees not only produce a tasty treat, they also help pollinate flowering plants that provide much of the food throughout the world. So, when in 2006 bee colonies started dying out, scientists recognized a serious problem. Analyzing statistics from honey bee production allows for a mathematical analysis of the so-called Colony Collapse Disorder.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Statistics--Box and Whisker Plot Math Clip Art--Statistics--Box and Whisker Plot Math Clip Art--Statistics--Box and Whisker Plot

This is part of a collection of math clip art images that show different statistical graphs and concepts, along with some probability concepts.

Data Analysis
Definition--Charts and Graphs--Box-and-Whisker Plot Definition--Charts and Graphs--Box-and-Whisker Plot Definition--Charts and Graphs--Box-and-Whisker Plot

This is a collection of definitions related to the concept of charts, graphs, and data displays.

Data Analysis