Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 8 Unit 3

Linear Equations and Linear Systems

Lesson 1: Number Puzzles

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Topic
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Multiplication--Example 9 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Multiplication--Example 9 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Multiplication--Example 9


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates how to convert the phrase "Twelve groups of seven" into a numerical expression. The term "groups of" refers to multiples of a number, indicating multiplication. In this case, it translates to the expression 7 * 12.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 1 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 1 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 1


Numerical Expressions


This math example demonstrates how to convert the verbal statement "Seven take away fourteen" into a numerical expression. The phrase "take away" is translated into the subtraction operation, resulting in the expression 7 - 14.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 10 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 10 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 10


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert the verbal statement "Four from one" into a numerical expression. The word "from" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression 1 - 4.

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection of examples helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "from," students understand how language affects operations and number order.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 11 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 11 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 11


Numerical Expressions


This example involves converting the phrase "One take away negative ten" into a numerical expression. The phrase "take away" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 1 - (-10).

Understanding numerical expressions is essential as they connect everyday language with mathematical notation. This collection aids students in interpreting various verbal phrases and converting them into precise mathematical expressions. By exploring expressions involving negative numbers, students gain insight into how language influences mathematical operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 12 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 12 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 12


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates converting the phrase "Three minus negative eight" into a numerical expression. The word "minus" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 3 - (-8).

Numerical expressions are crucial for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring expressions involving negatives, students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 13 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 13 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 13


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert the phrase "Twenty less negative four" into a numerical expression. The word "less" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 20 - (-4).

Numerical expressions are crucial for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, including handling negatives, students understand how language influences operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 14 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 14 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 14


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Negative eighteen subtracted from five" into a numerical expression. The phrase "subtracted from" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 5 - (-18).

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 15 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 15 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 15


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert "Negative fourteen from fourteen" into a numerical expression. The word "from" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression 14 - (-14).

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "from," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 16 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 16 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 16


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates converting the phrase "Ten take away negative ten" into a numerical expression. The phrase "take away" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 10 - (-10).

Numerical expressions are crucial for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, including handling negatives, students understand how language influences operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 17 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 17 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 17


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Eighteen minus negative fifteen" into a numerical expression. The word "minus" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 18 - (-15).

Understanding numerical expressions is essential as they connect everyday language with mathematical notation. This collection aids students in interpreting various verbal phrases and converting them into precise mathematical expressions. By exploring expressions involving negative numbers, students gain insight into how language influences mathematical operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 18 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 18 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 18


Numerical Expressions


This example presents converting "Nineteen less negative seventeen" into a numerical expression. The word "less" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 19 - (-17).

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "less," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 19 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 19 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 19


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates converting "Negative twelve subtracted from twenty" into a numerical expression. The phrase "subtracted from" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 20 - (-12).

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 2 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 2 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 2


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates the conversion of the verbal statement "Nineteen minus four" into a numerical expression. The word "minus" directly translates to the subtraction operation, resulting in the expression 19 - 4.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 20 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 20 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 20


Numerical Expressions


This example explains converting "Negative seven from fourteen" into a numerical expression. The word "from" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression 14 - (-7).

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "from," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 21 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 21 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 21


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates converting the phrase "Negative two take away seventeen" into a numerical expression. The phrase "take away" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -2 - 17.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 22 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 22 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 22


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Negative sixteen minus ten" into a numerical expression. The word "minus" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -16 - 10.

Understanding numerical expressions is essential as they connect everyday language with mathematical notation. This collection aids students in interpreting various verbal phrases and converting them into precise mathematical expressions. By exploring expressions involving negative numbers, students gain insight into how language influences mathematical operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 23 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 23 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 23


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert "Negative six less nine" into a numerical expression. The word "less" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression -6 - 9.

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "less," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 24 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 24 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 24


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Sixteen subtracted from negative three" into a numerical expression. The phrase "subtracted from" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -3 - 16.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 25 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 25 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 25


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert "Ten from negative eighteen" into a numerical expression. The word "from" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression -18 - 10.

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "from," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 26 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 26 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 26


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting the phrase "Negative ten take away sixteen" into a numerical expression. The phrase "take away" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -10 - 16.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 27 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 27 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 27


Numerical Expressions


This example provides an illustration of converting "Negative one minus thirteen" into a numerical expression. The word "minus" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -1 - 13.

Understanding numerical expressions is essential as they connect everyday language with mathematical notation. This collection aids students in interpreting various verbal phrases and converting them into precise mathematical expressions. By exploring expressions involving negative numbers, students gain insight into how language influences mathematical operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 28 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 28 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 28


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert "Negative eight less thirteen" into a numerical expression. The word "less" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression -8 - 13.

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "less," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 29 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 29 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 29


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Six subtracted from negative five" into a numerical expression. The phrase "subtracted from" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -5 - 6.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 3 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 3 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 3


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates how to convert the verbal statement "Five less two" into a numerical expression. The word "less" is interpreted as subtraction, resulting in the expression 5 - 2.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 30 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 30 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 30


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert "Thirteen from negative sixteen" into a numerical expression. The word "from" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression -16 - 13.

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "from," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 31 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 31 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 31


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates converting the phrase "Negative sixteen take away negative twenty" into a numerical expression. The phrase "take away" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -16 - (-20).

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 32 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 32 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 32


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Negative fifteen minus negative nine" into a numerical expression. The word "minus" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -15 - (-9).

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 33 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 33 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 33


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert "Negative sixteen less negative nineteen" into a numerical expression. The word "less" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression -16 - (-19).

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "less," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 34 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 34 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 34


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Negative fourteen subtracted from negative four" into a numerical expression. The phrase "subtracted from" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -4 - (-14).

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 35 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 35 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 35


Numerical Expressions


This example explains converting "Negative five from negative eleven" into a numerical expression. The word "from" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression -11 - (-5).

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "from," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 36 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 36 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 36


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Negative six take away negative fifteen" into a numerical expression. The phrase "take away" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -6 - (-15).

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 37 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 37 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 37


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert "Negative four minus negative six" into a numerical expression. The word "minus" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -4 - (-6).

Understanding numerical expressions is essential as they connect everyday language with mathematical notation. This collection aids students in interpreting various verbal phrases and converting them into precise mathematical expressions. By exploring expressions involving negative numbers, students gain insight into how language influences mathematical operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 38 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 38 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 38


Numerical Expressions


This example presents converting "Negative sixteen less negative nineteen" into a numerical expression. The word "less" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -16 - (-19).

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "less," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 39 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 39 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 39


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates converting "Negative ten subtracted from negative thirteen" into a numerical expression. The phrase "subtracted from" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression -13 - (-10).

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 4 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 4 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 4


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates how to convert the verbal statement "Two subtracted from seventeen" into a numerical expression. The phrase "subtracted from" indicates subtraction, but it's important to note the order of the numbers. The result is the expression 17 - 2.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 40 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 40 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 40


Numerical Expressions


This example shows how to convert "Negative fifteen from negative nineteen" into a numerical expression. The word "from" indicates subtraction, leading to the expression -19 - (-15).

Numerical expressions are vital for translating everyday language into mathematical notation. This collection helps students learn how to interpret various verbal phrases and convert them into accurate mathematical expressions. By exploring different ways to express subtraction, such as using "from," students understand how language affects operations.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 5 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 5 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 5


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates how to convert the verbal statement "Ten from twenty" into a numerical expression. The word "from" indicates subtraction, and the order of the numbers is important. The resulting expression is 20 - 10.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 6 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 6 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 6


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates how to convert the verbal statement "Nineteen take away one" into a numerical expression. The phrase "take away" clearly indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 19 - 1.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 7 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 7 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 7


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates how to convert the verbal statement "Eighteen minus five" into a numerical expression. The word "minus" directly translates to the subtraction operation, resulting in the expression 18 - 5.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 8 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 8 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 8


Numerical Expressions


This example demonstrates how to convert the verbal statement "Four less seven" into a numerical expression. The word "less" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 4 - 7.

Numerical Expressions
Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 9 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 9 Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Subtraction--Example 9


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates how to convert the verbal statement "Nine subtracted from eighteen" into a numerical expression. The phrase "subtracted from" indicates subtraction, resulting in the expression 18 - 9.

Numerical Expressions
Math in the News: Issue 63--Columbus's Voyages Math in the News: Issue 63--Columbus's Voyages Math in the News: Issue 63--Columbus's Voyages

October 2012. In this issue of Math in the News we look at Columbus' voyages. We make some calculations based on map data.

This is part of the Math in the News collection. To see the complete collection, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources

To see resources related to this topic click on the Related Resources tab above.

Data Analysis
WorksheetThumbnail.jpg Multiples Table, 1-10

A table that lists all the multiples for the numbers 1-10.

Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Worksheets on this topic, click on this link:
Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
WorksheetThumbnail.jpg Multiples Table, 1-20

A table that lists all the multiples for the numbers 1-20.

Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Worksheets on this topic, click on this link:
Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
WorksheetThumbnail.jpg Multiples Table, 1-5

A table that lists all the multiples for the numbers 1-5.

Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Worksheets on this topic, click on this link:
Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Easy) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Easy) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Easy)

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of Equations with Fractions.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.

ary">click on this link.

Solving Fraction Equations
Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Hard) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Hard) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Hard)

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of Equations with Fractions.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.

ary">click on this link.

Solving Fraction Equations
Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Medium) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Medium) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Fractions (Medium)

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of Equations with Fractions.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.

ary">click on this link.

Solving Fraction Equations
Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Percents (Easy) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Percents (Easy) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Percents (Easy)

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of Equations with Percents.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.

ary">click on this link.

Solving Percent Equations
Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Percents (Hard) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Percents (Hard) Paper-and-Pencil Quiz: Equations with Percents (Hard)

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of Equations with Percents.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.

ary">click on this link.

Solving Percent Equations