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Showing 171 - 180 of 3220 results

Counting Bison

In this application of arithmetic concepts, students analyze the changing population of bison in the Americas. Using real-world data and applying key math concepts, students will do some sophisticated analysis using basic skills. 

Roadside Geometry

In this module, students analyze the geometric properties of road signs. This includes studying triangular, quadrilateral, and other polygon forms in such familiar signs as the stop sign, the yield sign, and many other examples.

Instructional Module: Place Value: Counting by Tenths

In this Media4Math Classroom Module, your early elementary students will use their place value skills to learn to count by tenths. Using graphics, videos, and games, students are introduced to rewrite numbers to facilitate counting by tenths. This also becomes an excellent precursor to decimal addition.

What Are Equivalent Fractions?

The ability to identify equivalent fractions and the ability to generate such fractions are important skills for elementary students. In this module students are taught both skills using a variety of approaches. 

Comparing and Ordering Fractions

In this module students learn how to compare and order fractions. All examples shown involve fractions less than 1. Various strategies for comparing and ordering fractions are covered.

Fractions Vocabulary: Properties of Fractions

In this module, review key vocabulary for fractions. The focus is on the properties of fractions and understanding what a fraction is and how to represent it. There are various ways of representing fractions, as well as different types of fractions. Specific terms covered include: