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Construction Site Math: Ratios

In this real-world application of ratios, students will learn what a ratio is, including ratios with three terms. They will see different ways of writing ratios, including fractions in simplest form. 

Isosceles Triangles

In this lesson students explore and use the properties of isosceles triangles to solve real world problems. After learning the basics of isosceles triangles they apply what they learn to the structure of the Eiffel Tower. In particular, they learn about triangular trusses.

Circular Structures

In this lesson students will use their basic understanding of circles to learn how circular structures are built. The example shown is that of the Roman Colosseum. Students will construct an oval shape from circular arcs to simulate the elliptical shape of the Roman Colosseum.

Box Office Math

In this module, students explore algebraic expressions to model different quantities. They look at expressions that involve addition and multiplication. Then they look at real world data from the Star Wars movies since the Disney acquisition of the franchise. Students analyze whether the purchase of the Star Wars franchise has been profitable for Disney.

Integers and Absolute Value

In this module students learn how to measure distances on a number line by finding the absolute value of integer values. In the process students also learn about integers and their opposites, as well as how to compare and order integers. Finally, students apply their skills in a real-world scenario involving scuba diving.

The Language of Math: Addition Expressions

In this module students develop their skills at translating verbal statements into addition expressions. Students work with numerical expressions and also variable expressions. They then apply their skills to the real-world context of weather reporting.

The Language of Math: Subtraction Expressions

In this module students develop their skills at translating version expressions into mathematical ones. This is a crucial skill that often doesn't get enough attention. A student's ability to successfully translate words into mathematical expressions and equations puts that student on a path to successfully solving more complicated problems.

Linear Function Models

In this module students learn the properties of linear functions. They look at data sets, graphs of coordinates, and algebraic representations of functions. Then students go on a field trip to the US Mint to see how money is printed. From this they develop linear function models for calculating the number of bills printed, along with their dollar value.

Applications of Linear Functions: Temperature Conversion

Temperature is one of the most important measurements that we deal with on a daily basis. Weather, climate, food preparation, health, and other phenomena involve some type of temperature measure. The two most common units of temperature measure are Fahrenheit and Celsius. In this module, students learn about the linear function that converts from one system to the other.

Applications of Linear Functions: Circumference vs. Diameter

As the size of a circle changes, so does the size of the diameter and that of the circumference. In fact, there is a linear relationship between these two measures. This relationship can be modeled with a linear function. In this module students will study this linear function and examine its properties, including the fact that the slope of this function is π itself.