Digital Resources on the Topic of Linear Equations and Functions

On this page you'll find a sampling of the many resources on Media4Math that focus on the topic of Linear Functions. Media4Math is a digital library of over 15,000 resources on all key topics in K-12 math.

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Closed Captioned Video: Linear Function

Closed Captioned Video: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Function Closed Captioned Video: Linear Function

In this TI Nspire tutorial, the Graph window is used to graph a linear function. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad. This Mini-Tutorial Video includes a worksheet.

Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Exploring the Slope-Intercept form Using Sliders

Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Exploring the Slope-Intercept form Using Sliders Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Exploring the Slope-Intercept form Using Sliders

This is the transcript for the TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial entitled, Exploring the Slope-Intercept form Using Sliders.

Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Function

Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Function Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Function

This is the transcript for the TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial entitled, Graphing a Linear Function.

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions, 3

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions, Segment 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions, Segment 3

In this Investigation we look at a linear regression for carbon dioxide emission data. This video is Segment 3 of a 4 segment series related to Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions. Segments 3 and 4 are grouped together.

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions, 1

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions, Segment 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions, Segment 1

In this Investigation we look at linear models for objects moving at a constant speed. This video is Segment 1 of a 4 segment series related to Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions. Segments 1 and 2 are grouped together.

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions

In this program, internationally acclaimed mathematics educator Dr. Monica Neagoy, explores the nature of linear functions through the use TI graphing calculators.

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations, 3

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations, Segment 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations, Segment 3

In this Investigation we look at functions. This video is Segment 3 of a 4 segment series related to Functions and Relations. Segments 3 and 4 are grouped together.

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations, 1

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations, Segment 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations, Segment 1

In this Investigation we explore the definition of a Relation. This video is Segment 1 of a 4 segment series related to Functions and Relations. Segments 1 and 2 are grouped together.

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations

Functions are relationships between quantities that change. Written and hosted by internationally acclaimed math educator Dr. Monica Neagoy, this video explores the definition of a function, its vocabulary and notations, and distinguishes the concept of function from a general relation.

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, 4

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, Segment 4: Exercise Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, 4

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, 3

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, Segment 3: Oil Exploration Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, 3

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, Segment 2: Cycling

Closed Captioned Video:  Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, Segment 2: Cycling Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, Segment 2: Cycling

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, 1

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, Segment 1: Introduction Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions, 1

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept

Video Tutorial: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept. In this video tutorial, students learn the basics of linear functions in slope-intercept form. In particular, look at the case of a linear function with a negative slope and a zero y-intercept.

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Negative y-Intercept

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Negative y-Intercept Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Negative y-Intercept

Video Tutorial: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Negative y-Intercept. In this video tutorial, students learn the basics of linear functions in slope-intercept form. In particular, look at the case of a linear function with a negative slope and a negative y-intercept.

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Positive y-Intercept

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Positive y-Intercept Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Positive y-Intercept

Video Tutorial: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Positive y-Intercept. In this video tutorial, students learn the basics of linear functions in slope-intercept form. In particular, look at the case of a linear function with a negative slope and a positive y-intercept.

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Zero y-Intercept

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Zero y-Intercept Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Zero y-Intercept

Video Tutorial: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Zero y-Intercept. In this video tutorial, students learn the basics of linear functions in slope-intercept form. In particular, look at the case of a linear function with a positive slope and a zero y-intercept.

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Negative y-Intercept

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Negative y-Intercept Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Negative y-Intercept

Video Tutorial: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Negative y-Intercept. In this video tutorial, students learn the basics of linear functions in slope-intercept form. In particular, look at the case of a linear function with a positive slope and a negative y-intercept.

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Positive y-Intercept

Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Positive y-Intercept Closed Captioned Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Positive y-Intercept

Video Tutorial: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Positive y-Intercept. In this video tutorial, students learn the basics of linear functions in slope-intercept form. In particular, look at the case of a linear function with a positive slope and a positive y-intercept.

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Negative y-Intercept

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Negative y-Intercept Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Negative y-Intercept

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Negative y-Intercept.

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Positive y-Intercept

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Positive y-Intercept Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Positive y-Intercept

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Positive y-Intercept.

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video: Linear Functions: Negative Slope, Zero y-Intercept.

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Negative y-Intercept

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Negative y-Intercept Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Negative y-Intercept

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Negative y-Intercept.

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Positive y-Intercept

Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Positive y-Intercept Video Transcript: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Positive y-Intercept

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video: Linear Functions: Positive Slope, Positive y-Intercept.