Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 6 Unit 1

Dividing Fractions

Lesson 8: How Much in Each Group? (Part 1)

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Nodes
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneEighth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Eighth Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Eighth




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into eight equal slices, with only one slice present. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction one-eighth (1/8).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FullFourths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Fourths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Fourths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into four equal slices, representing the concept of "full fourths." Each slice is clearly defined, making it easy for students to visualize and understand the fraction 4/4, which is equivalent to one whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--ThreeEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Eighths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Eighths




This math clip art belongs to a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. Displaying three slices out of eight, this image visually represents the fraction three-eighths (3/8).

The use of visual aids like pizza fraction models in mathematics education enhances understanding of abstract concepts by relating them to real-world examples. These models provide a tangible basis that can be easily integrated into lessons focused on fractions, enabling discussions around equal parts, fraction addition/subtraction, and common denominators.

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneFourth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Fourth Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Fourth




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into four equal slices, with only one slice present. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction one-fourth (1/4).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--TwoFourths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Fourths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Fourths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into four equal slices, with two slices present and two missing. This visual representation effectively demonstrates the fraction two-fourths (2/4).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--SixEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Six Eighths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Six Eighths




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into eight equal slices, with six slices present and two missing. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction six-eighths (6/8).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneFourth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Fourth Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Fourth




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into four equal slices, with only one slice present. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction one-fourth (1/4).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FullSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, representing the concept of "full sixths." Each slice is clearly defined, making it easy for students to visualize and understand the fraction 6/6, which is equivalent to one whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--ThreeSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with three slices present and three missing. This visual representation clearly illustrates the fraction three-sixths (3/6), which is equivalent to 1/2.

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FourSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Four Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Four Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with four slices present and two missing. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction four-sixths (4/6).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FourSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Four Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Four Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with four slices present and two missing. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction four-sixths (4/6).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FiveSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image shows a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with five slices present and one missing. This visual representation effectively demonstrates the fraction five-sixths (5/6).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--ThreeFourths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Fourths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Fourths




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into four equal slices, with three slices present and one missing. This visual representation clearly illustrates the fraction three-fourths (3/4).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--TwoSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image shows a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with two slices present and four missing. This visual representation effectively demonstrates the fraction two-sixths (2/6).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneSixth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Sixth Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Sixth




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with only one slice present. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction one-sixth (1/6).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--TwoSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image shows a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with two slices present and four missing. This visual representation effectively demonstrates the fraction two-sixths (2/6).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneSixth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Sixth Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Sixth




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with only one slice present. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction one-sixth (1/6).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--ThreeSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with three slices present and three missing. This visual representation clearly illustrates the fraction three-sixths (3/6), which is equivalent to 1/2.

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--ThreeFourths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Fourths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Three Fourths




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into four equal slices, with three slices present and one missing. This visual representation clearly illustrates the fraction three-fourths (3/4).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--TwoFourths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Fourths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Two Fourths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into four equal slices, with two slices present and two missing. This visual representation effectively demonstrates the fraction two-fourths (2/4).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--OneEighth.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Eighth Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--One Eighth




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image shows a circular pizza divided into eight equal slices, with only one slice present. This visual representation effectively illustrates the fraction one-eighth (1/8).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FullSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, representing the concept of "full sixths." Each slice is clearly defined, making it easy for students to visualize and understand the fraction 6/6, which is equivalent to one whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FiveSixths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Sixths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Sixths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image shows a circular pizza divided into six equal slices, with five slices present and one missing. This visual representation effectively demonstrates the fraction five-sixths (5/6).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FullEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Eighths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Full Eighths




This math clip art image is part of a comprehensive series designed to illustrate fraction models using pizzas. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into eight equal slices, representing the concept of "full eighths." Each slice is clearly defined, making it easy for students to visualize and understand the fraction 8/8, which is equivalent to one whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--SevenEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Seven Eighths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Seven Eighths




This math clip art image is part of a series illustrating fraction models using pizzas. The image shows a circular pizza divided into eight equal slices, with seven slices present and one slice missing. This visual representation effectively demonstrates the fraction seven-eighths (7/8).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FiveEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Eighths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Eighths




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into eight equal slices, with five slices present and three missing. This visual representation clearly illustrates the fraction five-eighths (5/8).

Identify and Name Fractions
MathClipArt--Fractions--PizzaSlices--FiveEighths.png Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Eighths Math Clip Art: Fractions--Pizza Slices--Five Eighths




This math clip art image is part of a series that uses pizza slices to model fractions. The image depicts a circular pizza divided into eight equal slices, with five slices present and three missing. This visual representation clearly illustrates the fraction five-eighths (5/8).

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 5 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-5 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-5




This image shows a number line divided into sixths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/6 to 5/6 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is particularly useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 5/6 is very close to 1, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Fourths, Image 3 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Fourths-3 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Fourths-3




This image presents a number line divided into fourths, extending from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 1, with each quarter distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fraction 1/4, 2/4, and 3/4 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is particularly useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 3/4 is closer to 1 than it is to 0, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 6 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-6 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-6




This image presents a number line divided into eighths, extending from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 to 6/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 3 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-3 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-3




This image presents a number line divided into sixths, extending from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/6, 2/6, and 3/6 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 1 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-1 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-1




This image displays a number line divided into sixths, spanning from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. In particular 1/6 is labeled on the number line. This visual representation helps students understand how sixths are positioned on a linear scale and how they relate to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 3 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-3 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-3




This image displays a number line divided into eighths, spanning from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 to 3/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-2




This image shows a number line divided into eighths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 and 2/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is especially useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 1/8 is very close to 0, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Fourths, Image 2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Fourths-2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Fourths-2




This image shows a number line divided into fourths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 1, with each quarter distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/4  and 2/4 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is especially useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 1/4 is closer to 0 than it is to 1, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 6 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-6 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-6




This image presents a number line divided into eighths, extending from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 to 6/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Fourths, Image 2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Fourths-2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Fourths-2




This image shows a number line divided into fourths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 1, with each quarter distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/4  and 2/4 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is especially useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 1/4 is closer to 0 than it is to 1, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 1 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-1 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-1




This image displays a number line divided into sixths, spanning from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. In particular 1/6 is labeled on the number line. This visual representation helps students understand how sixths are positioned on a linear scale and how they relate to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-2




This image shows a number line divided into sixths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/6 and 2/6 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is especially useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 1/6 is closer to 0 than it is to 1, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-2




This image shows a number line divided into sixths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/6 and 2/6 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is especially useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 1/6 is closer to 0 than it is to 1, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 4 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-4 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-4




This image displays a number line divided into sixths, spanning from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions from 1/6 to 4/6 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 4 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-4 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-4




This image displays a number line divided into sixths, spanning from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions from 1/6 to 4/6 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line, Sixths, Image 5 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-5 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Sixths-5




This image shows a number line divided into sixths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, and 1, with each sixth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/6 to 5/6 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is particularly useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 5/6 is very close to 1, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 1 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-1 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-1




This image presents a number line divided into eighths, extending from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. It includes a label for 1/8 and can be used to create a progression of fractions on this number line. This visual representation helps students understand how eighths are positioned on a linear scale and how they relate to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 1 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-1 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-1




This image presents a number line divided into eighths, extending from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. It includes a label for 1/8 and can be used to create a progression of fractions on this number line. This visual representation helps students understand how eighths are positioned on a linear scale and how they relate to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-2 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-2




This image shows a number line divided into eighths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 and 2/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is especially useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 1/8 is very close to 0, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 3 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-3 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-3




This image displays a number line divided into eighths, spanning from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 to 3/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 4 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-4 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-4




This image presents a number line divided into eighths, extending from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 to 4/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 5 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-5 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-5




This image shows a number line divided into eighths, ranging from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 to 5/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

Identify and Name Fractions
Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Lines, Eighths Image, 7 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-7 Math Clip Art--Fraction Concepts--Fractions on a Number Line-Eighths-7




This image displays a number line divided into eighths, spanning from 0 to 1. The number line is clearly marked at 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 1, with each eighth distinctly labeled. This particular image highlights the fractions 1/8 to 7/8 on the number line, providing a visual representation of its position relative to the whole.

This visual aid is particularly useful for helping students understand the concept of specific fractions on a number line. It reinforces the idea that 7/8 is very close to 1, aiding in fraction comparison and estimation skills.

Identify and Name Fractions