Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 6 Unit 1

Expressions and Equations

Lesson 9: The Distributive Property, Part 1

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Nodes
VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, Segment 2: Honey Production. VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, 2 VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, Segment 2: Honey Production.

Honey bees not only produce a tasty treat, they also help pollinate flowering plants that provide much of the food throughout the world. So, when in 2006 bee colonies started dying out, scientists recognized a serious problem. Analyzing statistics from honey bee production allows for a mathematical analysis of the so-called Colony Collapse Disorder.

This is part of a collection of videos from the Algebra Applications video series on the topic of Variables and Equations.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities, Variables and Unknowns and Variable Expressions
VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, Segment 3: River Ratios. VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, 3 VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations, Segment 3: River Ratios.

Why do rivers meander instead of traveling in a straight line? In going from point A to point B, why should a river take the circuitous route it does instead of a direct path? Furthermore, what information can the ratio of the river’s length to its straight-line distance tell us? In this segment the geological forces that account for a river's motion are explained. In the process, the so-called Meander Ratio is explored. Students construct a mathematical model of a meandering river using the TI-Nspire. Having built the model, students then use it to generate data to find the average of many Meander Ratios. The results show that on average the Meander Ratio is equal to pi.

This is part of a collection of videos from the Algebra Applications video series on the topic of Variables and Equations.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities, Variables and Unknowns, Variable Expressions and Applications of Ratios, Proportions, and Percents
VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, Segment 1 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, 1 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, Segment 1

In this Investigation we get a historical overview of equations. This video is Segment 1 of a 2 segment series related to Variables and Equations.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities, Variables and Unknowns and Variable Expressions
VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, Segment 2 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, 2 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, Segment 2

In this Math Lab a hands-on activity has students comparing the diameter of a circle and its circumference. This video is Segment 2 of a 2 segment series related to Variables and Equations.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities, Variables and Unknowns and Variable Expressions
VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, Segment 3 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, 3 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, Segment 3

Watch this video about variables and equations. (The transcript is included.)

Video Transcript


From the mathematics of old Babylon and Egypt, to the mathematics of ancient Greece,

China, India, the Islamic world, and all the way up to
the Renaissance and the present, equations have played
a central role in the development of algebra.

But algebraic equations haven't always been written in present day symbolic form.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities, Variables and Unknowns and Variable Expressions
VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, Segment 4 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, 4 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, Segment 4

In this Math Lab we look at an area model for expanding the product of two binomials. This video is Segment 4 of a 4-segment series related to Variables and Equations.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities, Variables and Unknowns and Variable Expressions
Worksheet: Properties of Operations Worksheet: Properties of Operations Worksheet: Properties of Operations

Use the properties of operations to multiply numbers.

Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

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Worksheet Library

To see the complete collection of Worksheets, click on this link.
Multiplication Facts