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Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 6 Unit 7

Rational Numbers

Lesson 9: Solutions of Inequalities

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Nodes
VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities


Topic: Inequalities

Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Inequalities
Closed Captioned Video: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Closed Captioned Video: Linear Inequality Closed Captioned Video: Linear Inequality

In this TI Nspire tutorial, the Graph window is used to graph a linear inequality. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad. This Mini-Tutorial Video includes a worksheet.

This is part of a collection of closed captioned videos on various math topics. To see the complete collection of the videos, click on this link. Note: The download is Media4Math's guide to closed captioned videos.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Video Transcripts

This video has a transcript available. To see the complete collection of video transcripts, click on this link.
Closed Captioned Video: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Using Sliders Closed Captioned Video: Linear Inequality Using Sliders Closed Captioned Video: Linear Inequality Using Sliders

In this TI Nspire tutorial, the Graph window is used to graph a linear inequality in slope-intercept form using sliders. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad. This Mini-Tutorial Video includes a worksheet.

Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities



Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Inequalities
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, Segment 1: Hybrid Cars Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, 2




This video models an inequality to explain how floodgates in Venice prevent flooding during storms. The key concept is the activation threshold, where the water level exceeds a critical value. Vocabulary includes inequality, threshold, variable, and model. Using a TI-Nspire, the video demonstrates creating a random variable for water levels and a function to evaluate if floodgates should activate. It illustrates real-world applications in engineering and environmental management.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Inequalities
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, Segment 2: Floods in Venice Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, 2 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, 1



Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Inequalities
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, Segment 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, Segment 3

In this Investigation we look at linear inequalities in two variables. This video is Segment 3 of a 4 segment series related to Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities. Segments 3 and 4 are grouped together.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Inequalities
Definition--Inequality Concepts--Graphs of Linear Inequalities in One Variable Definition--Inequality Concepts--Graphs of Linear Inequalities in One Variable Definition--Inequality Concepts--Graphs of Linear Inequalities in One Variable

This is a collection of definitions related to inequalities. This includes inequalities that include numbers only and those with one or two variables.

Definition--Inequality Concepts--Graphs of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables Definition--Inequality Concepts--Graphs of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables Definition--Inequality Concepts--Graphs of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables

This is a collection of definitions related to inequalities. This includes inequalities that include numbers only and those with one or two variables.

Definition--SolvingLinearInequalities1Var.jpg Definition--Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable

The definition of the term "Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable."

Note: The download is a JPG file.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of glossary terms in the Visual Glossary, click on this link: https://media4math.com/Visual-Glossary
Lesson Plans Lesson Plan--Linear Functions and Equations (MS)--Lesson 4--Linear Inequalities

Lesson Plan: Linear Inequalities

This is the fourth lesson in a five-part series on linear equations and inequalities designed for middle school students. In this lesson, students explore the fundamentals of linear inequalities, including solving inequalities algebraically and graphing solution sets on the coordinate plane. Through step-by-step instruction, students learn to interpret inequality symbols, apply inverse operations, and determine whether to use solid or dashed boundary lines in graphs.

The lesson includes real-world applications, such as budgeting constraints, work-hour limits, and spending allowances, demonstrating how linear inequalities are used in everyday decision-making. Aligned with Common Core Standards 6.NS.C.7a, 6.EE.B.5, 8.EE.B.5, and 8.EE.C.7b, this lesson builds on students’ prior knowledge of linear equations while introducing a broader understanding of algebraic inequalities.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 1 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 1 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 1




This example demonstrates how to graph the linear inequality y > 2x + 3. The graph shows a dashed line representing the equation y = 2x + 3, with the region above the line shaded to indicate where the inequality holds true. The use of a dashed line signifies that points on the line itself are not included in the solution set.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 10 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 10 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 10




This example illustrates the graphing of the linear inequality y ≤ 3x + 2. The graph features a solid line representing the equation y = 3x + 2, with the area below the line shaded to indicate the region where the inequality is satisfied. The solid line signifies that points on the line are included in the solution set.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 11 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 11 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 11




This example demonstrates the graphing of the linear inequality y ≤ -2x + 1. The graph shows a solid line representing the equation y = -2x + 1, with the region below the line shaded to indicate where the inequality holds true. The solid line signifies that points on the line are included in the solution set.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 12 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 12 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 12




This example illustrates the graphing of the linear inequality y ≤ -3. The graph features a solid horizontal line at y = -3, with the region below this line shaded to represent the solution set of the inequality. The use of a solid line indicates that points on the line itself are included in the solution.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 2 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 2 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 2




This example illustrates the graphing of the linear inequality y > -3x + 1. The graph features a dashed line representing the equation y = -3x + 1, with the area above the line shaded to indicate the region where the inequality is satisfied. The dashed line signifies that points on the line are not part of the solution set.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 3 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 3 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 3




This example demonstrates the graphing of the linear inequality y > -1. The graph shows a dashed horizontal line at y = -1, with the region above this line shaded to represent the solution set of the inequality. The use of a dashed line indicates that points on the line itself are not included in the solution.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 4 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 4 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 4




This example illustrates the graphing of the linear inequality y < x - 2. The graph features a dashed line representing the equation y = x - 2, with the area below the line shaded to indicate the region where the inequality holds true. The dashed line signifies that points on the line are not included in the solution set.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 5 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 5 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 5




This example demonstrates the graphing of the linear inequality y < -3x + 4. The graph shows a dashed line representing the equation y = -3x + 4, with the region below the line shaded to indicate where the inequality holds true. Quadrants II and III are predominantly shaded, illustrating the solution set of this inequality.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 6 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 6 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 6




This example illustrates the graphing of the linear inequality y < 6. The graph features a horizontal dashed line at y = 6, with the region below this line shaded to represent the solution set of the inequality. Quadrants III and IV are entirely shaded, demonstrating where the inequality holds true.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 7 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 7 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 7




This example demonstrates the graphing of the linear inequality y ≥ 5x + 3. The graph shows a solid line representing the equation y = 5x + 3, with the region above the line shaded to indicate where the inequality holds true. Quadrants I and II are predominantly shaded, illustrating the solution set of this inequality. The use of a solid line signifies that points on the line are included in the solution.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 8 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 8 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 8




This example illustrates the graphing of the linear inequality y ≥ -2x - 1. The graph features a solid line representing the equation y = -2x - 1, with the area above the line shaded to indicate the region where the inequality is satisfied. Quadrants I and IV are predominantly shaded, demonstrating the solution set of this inequality. The solid line signifies that points on the line are included in the solution.

Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 9 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 9 Math Example--Inequalities-- Linear Inequalities: Example 9




This example demonstrates the graphing of the linear inequality y ≥ 2. The graph shows a solid horizontal line at y = 2, with the region above this line shaded to represent the solution set of the inequality. The use of a solid line indicates that points on the line itself are included in the solution.

MATH EXAMPLES--Teacher's Guide: Linear Inequalities MATH EXAMPLES--Teacher's Guide: Linear Inequalities MATH EXAMPLES--Teacher's Guide: Linear Inequalities

This Teacher's Guide provides an overview of the 12 worked-out examples that show how to graph a linear inequality.

This is part of a collection of teacher's guides. To see the complete collection of teacher's guides, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

To see resources related to this topic click on the Related Resources tab above.

Lesson Plans SAT Math Lesson Plan 2: Linear Inequalities SAT Math Lesson Plan2: Linear Inequalities

Understanding linear inequalities is essential for mastering SAT Math, especially within the Heart of Algebra domain, which makes up approximately 35% of the SAT Math section. This 45-minute lesson focuses on solving and graphing linear inequalities in one and two variables. Students will learn how to manipulate inequalities algebraically, including what happens when multiplying or dividing by negative numbers, and how to graph solution sets on the number line and coordinate plane.

Lesson Plans SAT Math Lesson Plan 4: Systems of Linear Inequalities SAT Math Lesson 4: Systems of Linear Inequalities

This 45-minute lesson is part of Media4Math’s 35-lesson SAT Math prep series. It focuses on solving and graphing systems of linear inequalities—a topic within the Heart of Algebra domain, which makes up about 33% of the SAT Math section. Students will learn how to graph inequalities on the coordinate plane, determine boundary line types, apply test points, and find the region where multiple inequalities intersect.

Solving Systems of Equations
Video Transcript: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, Part 1 Video Transcript: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, 1 Video Transcript: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, Part 1

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: In this Investigation we explore linear inequalities in one variable.

This is part of a collection of video transcript from the Algebra Nspirations video series. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Video Transcript: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, Part 2 Video Transcript: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, 2 Video Transcript: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, Part 2

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: In this Investigation we look at linear inequalities in two variables.

This is part of a collection of video transcript from the Algebra Nspirations video series. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality

This is the transcript for the TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial entitled, Graphing a Linear Inequality.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on using the TI-Nspire Graphing Calculator. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Using Sliders Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Using Sliders Video Transcript: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Using Sliders

This is the transcript for the TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial entitled, Graphing a Linear Inequality Using Sliders.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on using the TI-Nspire Graphing Calculator. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, Segment 1: Hybrid Cars. VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, 1 VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, 1


Topic: Inequalities

Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Inequalities
VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, Segment 2: Floods in Venice. VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, 2 VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Inequalities, 2


Topic: Inequalities


This video models an inequality to explain how floodgates in Venice prevent flooding during storms. The key concept is the activation threshold, where the water level exceeds a critical value. Vocabulary includes inequality, threshold, variable, and model. Using a TI-Nspire, the video demonstrates creating a random variable for water levels and a function to evaluate if floodgates should activate. It illustrates real-world applications in engineering and environmental management.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Inequalities
VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, Segment 3 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, 3 VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities, 3




Building on Part 1, this video explores systems of inequalities and their geometric representations. Applications include business profit modeling using linear inequalities. Key vocabulary includes half-planes, slope-intercept form, and solution regions. Real-world examples, like yoga studio budgeting, highlight practical uses of inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Inequalities
VIDEO: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality VIDEO: Ti-Nspire Mini-Tutorial, Video 78 VIDEO: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality

In this TI Nspire tutorial, the Graph window is used to graph a linear inequality. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad.

Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality

This is part of a collection of math worksheets on the use of the TI-Nspire graphing calculator. Each worksheet supports a companion TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial video. It provides all the keystrokes for the activity.

To see the complete worksheet collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Worksheet Library

To see the complete collection of Worksheets, click on this link.
Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Using Sliders Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Using Sliders Worksheet: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: Graphing a Linear Inequality Using Sliders

This is part of a collection of math worksheets on the use of the TI-Nspire graphing calculator. Each worksheet supports a companion TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial video. It provides all the keystrokes for the activity.

To see the complete worksheet collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Worksheet Library

To see the complete collection of Worksheets, click on this link.