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Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 7 Unit 5

Rational Number Arithmetic

Lesson 10: Multiply!

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Topics
VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions


Rational Functions

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 1 Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 1 This is part of a series of animated math clip art images that show that shows different rational expressions. Use these animated GIFs in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Media4Math's proprietary Slide Show Creator. Rational Expressions
Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 2 Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 2 This is part of a series of animated math clip art images that show that shows different rational expressions. Use these animated GIFs in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Media4Math's proprietary Slide Show Creator. Rational Expressions
Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 3 Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 3 This is part of a series of animated math clip art images that show that shows different rational expressions. Use these animated GIFs in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Media4Math's proprietary Slide Show Creator. Rational Expressions
Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 4 Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 4 This is part of a series of animated math clip art images that show that shows different rational expressions. Use these animated GIFs in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Media4Math's proprietary Slide Show Creator. Rational Expressions
Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 5 Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 5 This is part of a series of animated math clip art images that show that shows different rational expressions. Use these animated GIFs in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Media4Math's proprietary Slide Show Creator. Rational Expressions
Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 6 Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 6 This is part of a series of animated math clip art images that show that shows different rational expressions. Use these animated GIFs in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Media4Math's proprietary Slide Show Creator. Rational Expressions
Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 7 Animated Math Clip Art--Rational Expressions 7 This is part of a series of animated math clip art images that show that shows different rational expressions. Use these animated GIFs in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Media4Math's proprietary Slide Show Creator. Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: (CAS) Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions Closed Captioned Video: Adding-Subtracting Rational Exp Closed Captioned Video: Adding-Subtracting Rational Exp

In this TI Nspire tutorial for the TI-Nspire CAS, the Calculator Window is used to combine and simplify rational expressions. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad. This Mini-Tutorial Video includes a worksheet. .

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions


Rational Functions

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, Segment 1: Submarines Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, 1


Rational Functions


Explains submarine pressure and volume relationships using rational functions, illustrating depth impacts on vessel integrity and scuba safety.

This video provides a detailed explanation of explains submarine pressure and volume relationships using rational functions, illustrating depth impacts on vessel integrity and scuba safety. and its significance in understanding rational functions.

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, Segment 2: Biology Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, 2 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, 2


Rational Functions


Examines surface area to volume ratios in animals using rational functions, connecting these ratios to evolutionary adaptations in different climates.

This video provides a detailed explanation of examines surface area to volume ratios in animals using rational functions, connecting these ratios to evolutionary adaptations in different climates and its significance in understanding rational functions.

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, Segment 3: Hubble Telescope Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Rational Functions, 3


Rational Functions


Demonstrates the optics of the Hubble telescope through rational functions, analyzing lens properties and asymptotes for image clarity.

This video provides a detailed explanation of demonstrates the optics of the Hubble telescope through rational functions, analyzing lens properties and asymptotes for image clarity and its significance in understanding rational functions.

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions and Expressions Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions and Expressions

After briefly reviewing the concept of inverse variation, this video explores Boyle’s law, a real world example of an inversely proportional relationship between pressure and volume of a gas. Written and hosted by internationally acclaimed math educator Dr. Monica Neagoy, it goes on to examine similarities and differences among rational functions and numbers. Finally, it takes a look at rational functions graphs and ends with a delightful example merging Euclidean and analytic geometry, thanks to the TI-Nspire technology. Concepts explored: functions, rational expressions, rational functions, asymptotes

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions and Expressions, Segment 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions, 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions and Expressions, Segment 1

In this Investigation we look at an application of rational functions: Boyle's Law. This video is Segment 1 of a 4 segment series related to Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions and Expressions. Segments 1 and 2 are grouped together.

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions and Expressions, Segment 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions, 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions and Expressions, Segment 3

In this Investigation we look at graphs of rational functions. This video is Segment 3 of a 4 segment series related to Algebra Nspirations: Rational Functions and Expressions. Segments 3 and 4 are grouped together.

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Tiles: Multiplying Integers Using Algebra Tiles Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Tiles: Multiplying Integers Using Algebra Tiles Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Tiles: Multiplying Integers Using Algebra Tiles


This is part of a collection of video tutorials the topic of Algebra Tiles.This series of videos describes what algebra tiles are and how they can be used to model numbers, operations, expressions, and equations. Use this series if you are incorporating the use of algebra tiles in your instruction.

—CLICK PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of the video tutorials on this topic, click on this link.

The following section reviews the basics of algebra tiles. Use this material as background material, and also as a supplement to the video series.

Algebra Tiles--Expressions and Equations
Closed Captioned Video: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: (CAS) Multiplying Rational Expressions Closed Captioned Video: Multiplying Rational Expressions Closed Captioned Video: Multiplying Rational Expressions

In this TI Nspire tutorial for the TI-Nspire CAS, the Calculator Window is used to multiply rational expressions. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad. This Mini-Tutorial Video includes a worksheet. .

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Adding Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Adding Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Adding Rational Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Dividing Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Dividing Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Dividing Rational Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Multiplying Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Multiplying Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Multiplying Rational Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Numerical Expressions with Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Numerical Expressions with Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Numerical Expressions with Rational Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Absolute Value

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Exponents Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Exponents Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Exponents

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Irrational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Irrational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers and Irrational Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers on a Number Line Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers on a Number Line Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers on a Number Line

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers on the Cartesian Coordinate System Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers on the Cartesian Coordinate System Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Rational Numbers on the Cartesian Coordinate System

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Subtracting Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Subtracting Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Subtracting Rational Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Variable Expressions with Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Variable Expressions with Rational Numbers Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: Variable Expressions with Rational Numbers

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: What Are Rational Numbers? Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: What Are Rational Numbers? Closed Captioned Video: Rational Numbers: What Are Rational Numbers?

This is part of a collection of video tutorials on the topic of Rational Numbers. This includes defining rational numbers, rational number operations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and applications of rational numbers.

—PRESS PREVIEW TO SEE THE VIDEO TUTORIAL— To see the complete collection of these videos on fractions, click on this link.

The following section includes background information on rational numbers. Refer to this section as you view the videos, or as review material afterward.

Rational Expressions
Closed Captioned Video: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: (CAS) Simplifying Rational Expressions Closed Captioned Video: Simplifying Rational Expressions Closed Captioned Video: Simplifying Rational Expressions

In this TI Nspire tutorial for the TI-Nspire CAS, the Calculator Window is used to combine and simplify rational expressions. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad. This Mini-Tutorial Video includes a worksheet. .

Rational Expressions
Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Irrational Number Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Irrational Number Irrational Number


Rationals and Radicals


An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Its decimal form is non-repeating and non-terminating.

Rational Expressions
Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Irrational Number 2 Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Irrational Number 2 Irrational Number 2


Rationals and Radicals


An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Its decimal form is non-repeating and non-terminating.

Rational Expressions
Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Laws of Rational Exponents Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Laws of Rational Exponents Laws of Rational Exponents


Rationals and Radicals


The laws of rational exponents describe how to handle exponents that are fractions, including rules for multiplication, division, and raising a power to a power.


The Laws of Rational Exponents are vital in the study of Rational Numbers, Expressions, Equations, and Functions. These laws provide a framework for simplifying expressions involving exponents that are fractions. For example, the law


Rational Expressions
Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Partial Fraction Decomposition of a Rational Expression Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Partial Fraction Decomposition of a Rational Expression Partial Fraction Decomposition of a Rational Expression


Rationals and Radicals


Partial fraction decomposition is a method used to express a rational expression as a sum of simpler fractions.


Partial Fraction Decomposition is a powerful tool in the study of Rational Numbers, Expressions, Equations, and Functions. It involves breaking down a complex rational expression into a sum of simpler fractions, which are easier to integrate or differentiate. For example, the rational function 


can be decomposed into 

Rational Expressions
Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Rational Exponent Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Rational Exponent Rational Exponent


Rationals and Radicals


A rational exponent is an exponent that is a fraction, where the numerator indicates the power and the denominator indicates the root.


Rational Exponents are a crucial concept in the study of Rational Numbers, Expressions, Equations, and Functions. These exponents are fractions, where the numerator indicates the power and the denominator indicates the root. For example, the expression 


can be rewritten as 


Rational Expressions
Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Rational Expressions Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Rational Expressions Rational Expressions


Rationals and Radicals


Rational expressions are fractions in which the numerator and/or the denominator are polynomials.


Rational Expressions are a fundamental aspect of Rational Numbers, Expressions, Equations, and Functions. These expressions are fractions where the numerator and/or the denominator are polynomials. Simplifying rational expressions often involves factoring the polynomials and canceling common factors. For example, the rational expression 


can be simplified to x + 1, provided that 


Rational Expressions
Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Simplifying a Rational Expression Definition--Rationals and Radicals--Simplifying a Rational Expression Simplifying a Rational Expression


Rationals and Radicals


Simplifying a rational expression involves reducing the fraction to its lowest terms by factoring both the numerator and denominator and canceling common factors.


Simplifying a Rational Expression is a crucial skill in the study of Rational Numbers, Expressions, Equations, and Functions. This process involves reducing a rational expression to its simplest form by factoring both the numerator and denominator and canceling common factors. For example, simplifying 


results in x + 1 for 

Rational Expressions
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

In this Slide Show, learn how to add and subtract rational numbers. Includes links to several Media4Math videos and a math game.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples--Multiplying Integers INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples 33 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples--Multiplying Integers

This set of tutorials provides 12 examples of multiplying integers.

This is part of a collection of math examples for a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples--Rational Expressions INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples 44 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples--Rational Expressions

The complete set of 28 examples that make up this set of tutorials.

This is part of a collection of math examples for a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples--Rational Functions in Tabular and Graph Form INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples 45 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Math Examples--Rational Functions in Tabular and Graph Form

This set of tutorials provides 28 examples of rational functions in tabular and graph form.

This is part of a collection of math examples for a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Rational Expressions and Rational Functions and Equations
Tutorial Instructional Resource: Tutorial: What Are Rational Expressions? Instructional Resource: Tutorial: What Are Rational Expressions?

In this tutorial students learn about rational expressions and use the properties of fractions to combine them.

—Press PREVIEW to see the tutorial—

Rational Expressions
Interactive Math Game--Algebra Jeopardy, Integers Interactive Math Game--Algebra Jeopardy: Integers Interactive Math Game--Algebra Jeopardy: Integers

Use this Jeopardy-style math game to review integer operations. This Jeopardy game has a bank of hundreds of questions for thousands of unique game experiences. Best viewed in Chrome. To see the complete set of Math Games and Puzzles, click on this link.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Interactive Quiz--Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 1 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 1 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 1

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of multiplying integers. Some quizzes are interactive and some are in PDF format.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.


Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Interactive Quiz--Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 2 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 2 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 2

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of multiplying integers. Some quizzes are interactive and some are in PDF format.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.


Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Interactive Quiz--Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 3 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 3 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 01, Level 3

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of multiplying integers. Some quizzes are interactive and some are in PDF format.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.


Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Interactive Quiz--Multiplying Integers, Quiz 02, Level 1 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 02, Level 1 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 02, Level 1

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of multiplying integers. Some quizzes are interactive and some are in PDF format.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.


Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Interactive Quiz--Multiplying Integers, Quiz 02, Level 2 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 02, Level 2 Interactive Quiz: Multiplying Integers, Quiz 02, Level 2

This is part of a collection of math quizzes on the topic of multiplying integers. Some quizzes are interactive and some are in PDF format.

To see the complete quiz collection on this topic, click on this link. Note: The download is the PDF version of the quiz (with answer key).

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Quiz Library

To see the complete collection of Quizzes, click on this link.


Numerical and Algebraic Expressions