Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 8 Unit 3

Linear Equations and Linear Systems

Lesson 11: On Both of the Lines

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Topic
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Non-linear Systems INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Non-linear Systems INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Non-linear Systems

This slide show defines non-linear systems, showing examples of linear and quadratic systems.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Elimination Method INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Elimination Method INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Elimination Method

This slide show shows how to solve a system using the elimination method.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Substitution Method INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Substitution Method INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Substitution Method

This slide show shows how to solve a system using the substitution method.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: The Equals Sign Is Not an Operator! INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: The Equals Sign Is Not an Operator! INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: The Equals Sign Is Not an Operator!

In this presentation, learn the basics of equations and dispel the misconception that the equals sign is an operator. The tutorial will ground the student in the properties of equality, the structure of an equation, and the important role of the equals sign.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Addition and Subtraction Equations INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Addition and Subtraction Equations INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Addition and Subtraction Equations

Review the basics of addition and subtraction equations with this interactive.

This is part of a collection of math tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Addition Expressions and Equations and Subtraction Expressions and Equations
Interactive: Basic Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary, Part 2 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Interactive: Basic Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary, Part 2 INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Interactive: Basic Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary, Part 2

This interactive reviews key first and second grade vocabulary on addition and subtraction.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Addition Expressions and Equations and Subtraction Expressions and Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Introduction to Addition and Subtraction Equations INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Introduction to Addition and Subtraction Equations INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Introduction to Addition and Subtraction Equations

Explore the basics of addition and subtraction equations with this interactive.

This is part of a collection of math tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Addition Expressions and Equations and Subtraction Expressions and Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving a Linear System INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving a Linear System INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving a Linear System

In this Slide Show, learn how to solve a linear system by the elimination method.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Visual Models for Equations INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Visual Models for Equations

An equation shows a relationship between two quantities. The download is a PDF.

This is part of a collection of math tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Algebra Tiles--Expressions and Equations and Applications of Equations and Inequalities
What Is an Equation? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is an Equation? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is an Equation?

An equation shows a relationship between two quantities. Note: The download is a PDF.

This is part of a collection of math tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Variables and Unknowns
What Is an Identity? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is an Identity? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is an Identity?

An identity is a special type of equation. It includes at least one variable and an identity is true for all values of the variable. Note: The download is a PDF.

This is part of a collection of math tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Variables and Variable Expressions INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Variables and Variable Expressions INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Variables and Variable Expressions

In this Slide Show, learn about variables and variable expressions.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Variable Expressions, Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Variables and Unknowns
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is a System of Equations? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is a System of Equations? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is a System of Equations?

This slide show shows what a system of equations is.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Solving Systems of Equations
Equations Crossword Puzzle 2 Interactive Crossword Puzzle--Equations 2 Interactive Crossword Puzzle--Equations 2

Review key vocabulary on the topic of equations with this interactive and printable crossword puzzle.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Applications of Equations and Inequalities, Solving One-Step Equations and Solving Two-Step Equations
Equations Crossword Puzzle Interactive Crossword Puzzle: Equations Interactive Crossword Puzzle: Equations

Review key vocabulary on the topic of equations with this interactive and printable crossword puzzle.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Interactive Math Game--DragNDrop Math--One-Step Equations Interactive Math Game--DragNDrop--One-Step Equations Interactive Math Game--DragNDrop Math--One-Step Equations

In this drag-and-drop game, match a one-step equation to its solution. Includes Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division one-step equations.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Solving One-Step Equations
Interactive Math Game--DragNDrop Math--Two-Step Equations Interactive Math Game--DragNDrop--Two-Step Equations Interactive Math Game--DragNDrop Math--Two-Step Equations

In this drag-and-drop game, match a two-step equation to its solution. Includes all four operations.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Solving Two-Step Equations
Interactive Math Game, Equation Sort 2 Interactive Math Game: Equation Sort 2 Interactive Math Game: Equation Sort 2

Use this math game to review one-step equations. Students are shown four equations and are asked to correctly label the equation with drag-and-drop. The game provides feedback.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Applications of Equations and Inequalities and Solving One-Step Equations
Interactive Math Game, Equation Sort 3 Interactive Math Game: Equation Sort 3 Interactive Math Game: Equation Sort 3

Use this math game to review two-step equations. Students are shown four equations and are asked to correctly label the equation with drag-and-drop. The game provides feedback.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Solving Two-Step Equations
Interactive Math Game, Math Riddles--Expressions and Equations Interactive Math Game: Math Riddles--Expressions and Equations Interactive Math Game: Math Riddles--Expressions and Equations

In this Math Riddles Game, have your students review vocabulary around the topic of expressions and equations. The Math Riddles games are useful for practicing: Math Vocabulary, Key Concepts, Critical Thinking.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Equations Word Search Puzzle Interactive Word Search Puzzle: Equations Interactive Word Search Puzzle: Equations

Review key vocabulary on the topic of equations with this interactive and printable word search puzzle.

This is part of a collection of math games and interactives. To see the complete collection of the games, click on this link. Note: The download is the teacher's guide.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.
Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 1 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 1 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 1

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 2 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 2 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 2

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 3 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 3 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balance Scale 3

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 1 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 1 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 1

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 2 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 2 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 2

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 3 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 3 Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Balanced Equation 3

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 1 Left Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 1 Left Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 1 Left

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 1 Right Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 1 Right Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 1 Right

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 2 Left Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 2 Left Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 2 Left

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 2 Right Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 2 Right Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 2 Right

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 3 Left Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 3 Left Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 3 Left

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 3 Right Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 3 Right Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation 3 Right

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation Left Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation Left Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation Left

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation Right Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation Right Math Clip Art--Equations and Inequalities--Equation Models--Unbalanced Equation Right

This is part of a collection of math clip art images about equations and inequalities.

Applications of Equations and Inequalities
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 1 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 1 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 1



Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 10 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 10 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 10



Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 2 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 2 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 2



Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 3 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 3 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 3



Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 4 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 4 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 4



Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 5 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 5 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 5



Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 6 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 6 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 6



Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 7 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 7 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 7




This example demonstrates solving equations involving angle measures in a kite. A kite has two pairs of adjacent congruent angles. In this case, we have angles represented as (x+50)°, (x+50)°, (y+20)°, and y°. To solve this problem, we apply two key principles: the sum of angles in a quadrilateral is 360°, and the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°. You can use the triangle equation to solve for y. Once you determine the value for y, you can use that to find x using either the triangle or the quadrilateral equation. In the solution shown, the triangle equation is used. 

Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 8 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 8 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 8




This example illustrates solving equations involving angle measures in a kite. The kite has two known angles of 70° and 40°, and two unknown angles represented as (x+y)°. To solve this problem, we look at the triangles formed by one of the diagonals of the kite and use the triangle equation. First solve for x with the top triangle. Once you find x, use that value to solve for y in the bottom triangle. You could also use the quadrilateral equation to solve for y.

Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 9 Math Example--Solving Equations--Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 9 Solving Equations with Angle Measures 2--Example 9



Solving Multistep Equations and Applications of Quadrilaterals
Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 1 Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 1 Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 1

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on systems of equations.

Solving Systems of Equations
Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 10 Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 10 Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 10

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on systems of equations.

Solving Systems of Equations
Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 2 Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 2 Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 2

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on systems of equations.

Solving Systems of Equations
Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 3 Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 3 Math Example--Systems of Equations--Solving Linear Systems by Elimination: Example 3

This is part of a collection of math examples that focus on systems of equations.

Solving Systems of Equations