Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 8 Unit 3

Linear Equations and Linear Systems

Lesson 1: Number Puzzles

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Topic
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 52 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 52 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 52


The Language of Math


This clip art from the Language of Math collection illustrates the equation "7/7=1" in both numerical and word form. It reinforces the concept that any number divided by itself equals 1.

The simultaneous presentation of the equation in symbols and words strengthens the connection between mathematical language and everyday language. This visual representation helps students understand a fundamental principle of division and introduces the concept of equivalent fractions.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 53 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 53 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 53


The Language of Math


This image presents the equation "8/4=2" in both numerical and word form. It advances the complexity of division concepts by introducing division with larger numbers and the concept of quartering.

The dual representation of the equation reinforces the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal expressions. This visual aid is crucial in developing number sense and understanding the concept of division, particularly how dividing by 4 relates to finding a quarter of a number.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 54 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 54 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 54


The Language of Math


This clip art from the Language of Math collection illustrates the equation "9/3=3" in both numerical and word form. It continues the progression of division concepts, now working with larger numbers and introducing the concept of thirds.

The simultaneous presentation of the equation in symbols and words strengthens the connection between mathematical language and everyday language. This visual representation helps students understand how division works with larger numbers and reinforces the concept of equal sharing.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 55 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 55 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 55


The Language of Math


This image presents the equation "10/2=5" in both numerical and word form. It continues the progression of division concepts, now working with larger numbers and reinforcing the concept of halving.

The dual representation of the equation reinforces the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal expressions. This visual aid is crucial in developing number sense and understanding the concept of division, particularly how dividing by 2 relates to finding half of a number, even with larger values.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 56 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 56 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 56


The Language of Math


This clip art from the Language of Math collection illustrates the equation "11/1=11" in both numerical and word form. It introduces the concept of dividing by 1, which is a fundamental principle in mathematics.

The simultaneous presentation of the equation in symbols and words strengthens the connection between mathematical language and everyday language. This visual representation helps students understand that dividing a number by 1 results in the same number, reinforcing the identity property of division.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 57 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 57 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 57


The Language of Math


This image presents the equation "12/3=4" in both numerical and word form. It advances the complexity of division concepts by working with larger numbers and introducing the concept of dividing by 3.

The dual representation of the equation reinforces the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal expressions. This visual aid is crucial in developing number sense and understanding the concept of division, particularly how dividing by 3 relates to grouping numbers into thirds.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 58 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 58 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 58


The Language of Math


This clip art from the Language of Math collection illustrates the equation "13/13=1" in both numerical and word form. It reinforces the concept that any number divided by itself equals 1, now using a larger number.

The simultaneous presentation of the equation in symbols and words strengthens the connection between mathematical language and everyday language. This visual representation helps students understand a fundamental principle of division and introduces the concept of equivalent fractions with larger numbers.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 59 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 59 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 59


The Language of Math


This image presents the equation "14/7=2" in both numerical and word form. It continues the progression of division concepts, now working with larger numbers and introducing the concept of halving with two-digit numbers.

The dual representation of the equation reinforces the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal expressions. This visual aid is crucial in developing number sense and understanding the concept of division, particularly how dividing by half of a number results in 2.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 60 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 60 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 60


The Language of Math


This clip art from the Language of Math collection illustrates the equation "15/3=5" in both numerical and word form. It advances the complexity of division concepts by working with larger numbers and introducing the concept of dividing by 3.

The simultaneous presentation of the equation in symbols and words strengthens the connection between mathematical language and everyday language. This visual representation helps students understand how division works with larger numbers and reinforces the concept of grouping into thirds.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations, Image 61 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 61 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Equations 61


The Language of Math


This image presents a blank card, serving as the final piece in the series of 61 clip art images focused on the Language of Math: Numbers and Equations. While it doesn't contain a specific equation, its presence is significant in the collection.

Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 1 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 01 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 01


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 1+1. It's a powerful tool for teaching basic addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "1+1" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 2 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 02 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 02


The Language of Math


This image showcases the numerical expression and corresponding words for 1+2. It's an essential tool for teaching addition and reinforcing the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By presenting "1+2" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how addition is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
MathClipArt--NumbersAndOperations--03.png Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 03 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 03


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 1+3. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "1+3" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 4 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 04 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 04


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 1+4. It's an invaluable resource for teaching addition and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "1+4" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how addition is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
MathClipArt--NumbersAndOperations--05.png Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 05 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 05


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 1+5. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "1+5" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
MathClipArt--NumbersAndOperations--06.png Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 06 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 06


The Language of Math


This image showcases the numerical expression and corresponding words for 6+2. It's an essential tool for teaching addition and reinforcing the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By presenting "6+2" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how addition is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 7 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 07 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 07


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 7+1. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "7+1" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
MathClipArt--NumbersAndOperations--08.png Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 08 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 08


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 8+3. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "8+3" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
MathClipArt--NumbersAndOperations--09.png Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 09 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 09


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 9+5. It's an invaluable resource for teaching addition and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "9+5" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how addition is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 10 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 10 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 10


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 10+1. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "10+1" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 11 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 11 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 11


The Language of Math


This image showcases the numerical expression and corresponding words for 11+2. It's an essential tool for teaching addition and reinforcing the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By presenting "11+2" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how addition is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 12 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 12 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 12


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 12+3. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "12+3" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 13 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 13 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 13


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 13+4. It's an invaluable resource for teaching addition and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "13+4" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how addition is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 14 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 14 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 14


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 14+5. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "14+5" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 15 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 15 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 15


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 15+6. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching addition and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "15+6" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of addition and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 16 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 16 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 16


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 1-1. It's an invaluable resource for teaching subtraction and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "1-1" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how subtraction is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
MathClipArt--NumbersAndOperations--17.png Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 17 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 17


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 2-1. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching subtraction and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "2-1" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of subtraction and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 18 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 18 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 18


The Language of Math


This image showcases the numerical expression and corresponding words for 3-1. It's an essential tool for teaching subtraction and reinforcing the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By presenting "3-1" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how subtraction is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 19 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 19 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 19


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 4-1. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching subtraction and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "4-1" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of subtraction and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 20 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 20 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 20


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 5-1. It's an invaluable resource for teaching subtraction and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "5-1" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how subtraction is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 21 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 21 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 21


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 6-2. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching subtraction and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "6-2" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of subtraction and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 22 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 22 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 22


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 7-1. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching subtraction and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "7-1" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of subtraction and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 23 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 23 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 23


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 8-3. It's an invaluable resource for teaching subtraction and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "8-3" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how subtraction is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 24 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 24 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 24


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 9-5. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching subtraction and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "9-5" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of subtraction and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 25 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 25 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 25


The Language of Math


This image showcases the numerical expression and corresponding words for 10-1. It's an essential tool for teaching subtraction and reinforcing the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By presenting "10-1" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how subtraction is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 26 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 26 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 26


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 11-2. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching subtraction and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "11-2" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of subtraction and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 27 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 27 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 27


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 12-3. It's an invaluable resource for teaching subtraction and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "12-3" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how subtraction is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 28 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 28 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 28


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 13-4. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching subtraction and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "13-4" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of subtraction and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 29 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 29 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 29


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 14-5. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching subtraction and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "14-5" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of subtraction and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 30 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 30 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 30


The Language of Math


This image showcases the numerical expression and corresponding words for 15-6. It's an essential tool for teaching subtraction and reinforcing the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By presenting "15-6" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how subtraction is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 31 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 31 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 31


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 1*1. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching multiplication and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "1*1" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of multiplication and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 32 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 32 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 32


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 2*1. It's an invaluable resource for teaching multiplication and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "2*1" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how multiplication is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 33 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 33 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 33


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 3*1. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching multiplication and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "3*1" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of multiplication and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 34 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 34 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 34


The Language of Math


This image showcases the numerical expression and corresponding words for 4*1. It's an essential tool for teaching multiplication and reinforcing the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By presenting "4*1" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how multiplication is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 35 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 35 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 35


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 5*1. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching multiplication and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "5*1" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of multiplication and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 36 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 36 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 36


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 6*2. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching multiplication and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "6*2" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of multiplication and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 37 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 37 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 37


The Language of Math


This image presents the numerical expression and corresponding words for 7*3. It's an invaluable resource for teaching multiplication and strengthening the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By showcasing "7*3" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how multiplication is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 38 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 38 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 38


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 8*3. It serves as a crucial tool in teaching multiplication and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual link between "8*3" and its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of multiplication and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 39 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 39 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 39


The Language of Math


This image showcases the numerical expression and corresponding words for 9*5. It's an essential tool for teaching multiplication and reinforcing the link between mathematical notation and verbal expression. By presenting "9*5" visually alongside its written form, students can more easily understand how multiplication is expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions
Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations, Image 40 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 40 Math Clip Art--The Language of Math--Numbers and Operations 40


The Language of Math


This image illustrates the numerical expression and corresponding words for 10*2. It serves as a valuable tool in teaching multiplication and reinforcing the connection between mathematical symbols and their verbal representations. By providing a visual representation of "10*2" alongside its written form, students can more easily grasp the concept of multiplication and how it's expressed both numerically and verbally.

Number Names and Numerical Expressions