Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 6 Unit 2

Introducing Ratios

Lesson 1: Introducing Ratios and Ratio Language

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Topic

Math Example: Color Mixtures: Example 9

Math Example: Color Mixtures: Example 9




This example showcases a dark green color swatch created using a 2:3:3 ratio of yellow, blue, and black paint. The problem presents three buckets of yellow and two each of blue and black paint, challenging students to determine the additional paint needed to match the swatch. The solution requires adding four more buckets each of blue and black, and one more of yellow to achieve the correct proportions.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 1

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 1


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to find 50% of 250 using a double number line. The solution shows two parallel number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and the other from 0 to 250. By aligning 50% on the percentage line with its corresponding value on the numerical line, we can see that 50% of 250 is 125. This method visually represents the concept that 50% is equivalent to one-half of a quantity.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 10

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 10


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to determine an unknown value using a double number line when given a part and its corresponding percentage, involving a decimal percentage. The image shows two number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to an unknown number x. The position 70 is marked on the second line, visually illustrating the process of finding x when 70 is 12.5% of x.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 11

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 11


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to determine what percent one number is of another using a double number line. The image shows two parallel number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to 75, with 25 marked as an intermediate point. This visual representation helps students understand the relationship between the part (25) and the whole (75) in percentage terms.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 12

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 12


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example illustrates how to calculate what percent one number is of another using a double number line. The image depicts two parallel number lines: one spanning from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to 220, with 55 marked as an intermediate point. This visual representation helps students understand the relationship between the part (55) and the whole (220) in percentage terms.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 13

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 13


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to determine what percent one number is of another using a double number line. The image shows two parallel number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to 495, with 99 marked as an intermediate point. This visual representation helps students understand the relationship between the part (99) and the whole (495) in percentage terms.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 14

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 14


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example illustrates how to calculate what percent one number is of another using a double number line. The image depicts two parallel number lines: one spanning from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to 396, with 198 marked at the midpoint. This visual representation helps students understand the relationship between the part (198) and the whole (396) in percentage terms.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 15

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 15


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to determine what percent one number is of another using a double number line, particularly when dealing with more complex ratios. The image shows two parallel number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to 856, with 107 marked at an eighth of the way. This visual representation helps students understand the relationship between the part (107) and the whole (856) in percentage terms.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 2

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 2


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example illustrates how to calculate 25% of 180 using a double number line. The solution presents two parallel number lines: one spanning from 0 to 100% and the other from 0 to 180. By aligning 25% on the percentage line with its corresponding value on the numerical line, we can determine that 25% of 180 is 45. This method visually demonstrates that 25% is equivalent to one-quarter of a quantity.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 3

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 3


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to find 33 1/3% of 240 using a double number line. The solution displays two parallel number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and the other from 0 to 240. By aligning 33 1/3% on the percentage line with its corresponding value on the numerical line, we can see that 33 1/3% of 240 is 80. This method visually represents the concept that 33 1/3% is equivalent to one-third of a quantity.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 4

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 4


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example illustrates how to calculate 40% of 105 using a double number line. The solution presents two parallel number lines: one spanning from 0 to 100% and the other from 0 to 105. By aligning 40% on the percentage line with its corresponding value on the numerical line, we can determine that 40% of 105 is 42. This method visually demonstrates that 40% is equivalent to two-fifths of a quantity.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 5

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 5


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to find 12.5% of 88 using a double number line. The solution shows two parallel number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and the other from 0 to 88. By aligning 12.5% on the percentage line with its corresponding value on the numerical line, we can see that 12.5% of 88 is 11. This method visually represents the concept that 12.5% is equivalent to one-eighth of a quantity.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 6

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 6


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to solve for an unknown value using a double number line when given a percentage. The image features two parallel number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to an unknown value x. It visually illustrates the process of determining x when 75 is 50% of x.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 7

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 7


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example illustrates how to determine an unknown value using a double number line when given a part and its corresponding percentage. The image depicts two parallel number lines: one spanning from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to an unknown value x. It visually demonstrates the process of finding x when 120 is 25% of x.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 8

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 8


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example demonstrates how to find an unknown value using a double number line when given a part and its corresponding percentage, involving a fractional percentage. The image shows two parallel number lines: one ranging from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to an unknown value x. It visually illustrates the process of determining x when 125 is 33 1/3% of x.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 9

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 9


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example illustrates how to solve for an unknown value using a double number line when given a part and its corresponding percentage. The image shows two horizontal number lines: the top line ranges from 0 to 100%, and the bottom line ranges from 0 to an unknown number x. The 40% mark on the top line aligns with 220 on the bottom line, visually demonstrating the process of finding x when 220 is 40% of x.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 1

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 1




This example demonstrates the use of double number lines to solve a ratio problem involving orange and lemon juice. The juice mixture uses a ratio of 2 parts orange juice to 1 part lemon juice. Given 6 cups of orange juice, students are asked to determine the amount of lemon juice needed. The solution involves aligning the double number lines at the amount of orange juice and reading the corresponding amount of lemon juice, which is 3 cups.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 10

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 10




This example introduces a four-part ratio of 5:2:1:1 for orange, lemon, lime, and strawberry juice. Given 10 cups of orange juice, students need to determine the amounts of lemon, lime, and strawberry juice required. The solution shows that 4 cups of lemon juice and 2 cups each of lime and strawberry juice are needed to maintain the ratio.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 2

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 2




This example builds upon the previous one, using the same ratio of 2 parts orange juice to 1 part lemon juice. However, in this case, students are given 4 cups of lemon juice and asked to determine the amount of orange juice needed. The solution involves aligning the double number lines at the amount of lemon juice and reading the corresponding amount of orange juice, which is 8 cups.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 3

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 3




This example introduces a new ratio of 3 parts orange juice to 1 part lime juice. Students are given 9 cups of orange juice and asked to determine the amount of lime juice needed. The solution involves using a double number line to align at the amount of orange juice and find the corresponding amount of lime juice, which is 3 cups.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 4

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 4




This example introduces a more complex ratio of 3 parts orange juice to 2 parts lime juice. Students are given 4 cups of lime juice and asked to determine the amount of orange juice needed. The solution involves using a double number line to align at the amount of lime juice and find the corresponding amount of orange juice, which is 6 cups.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 5

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 5




This example introduces a three-part ratio of 2:1:1 for orange, lemon, and raspberry juice. Given 4 cups of orange juice, students need to determine the amounts of lemon and raspberry juice required. The solution shows that 2 cups each of lemon and raspberry juice are needed to maintain the ratio.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 6

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 6




This example presents a three-part ratio of 3:2:2 for orange, lemon, and raspberry juice. Given 6 cups of lemon juice, students need to determine the amounts of orange and raspberry juice required. The solution shows that 9 cups of orange juice and 6 cups of raspberry juice are needed to maintain the ratio.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 7

This is part of a series of math examples that show how to solve ratio problems involving double number lines.

Note: The download is a PNG file.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 8

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 8




This example presents a three-part ratio of 4:3:2 for orange, lemon, and lime juice. Given 4 cups of lime juice, students need to determine the amounts of orange and lemon juice required. The solution shows that 8 cups of orange juice and 6 cups of lemon juice are needed to maintain the ratio.

Ratios and Rates

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 9

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 9




This example features a three-part ratio of 5:2:1 for orange, lemon, and lime juice. Given 6 cups of lemon juice, students need to determine the amounts of orange and lime juice required. The solution demonstrates that 15 cups of orange juice and 3 cups of lime juice are needed to maintain the ratio.

Ratios and Rates
Math in the News: Issue 12--Doppler to the Rescue

Math in the News: Issue 12--Doppler to the Rescue

Math in the News: Issue 12--Doppler to the Rescue

6/6/11. In this issue we look at the technology of Doppler Radar and explore its underlying mathematical structure.

This is part of the Math in the News collection. To see the complete collection, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources

To see resources related to this topic click on the Related Resources tab above.

Radical Functions and Equations and Ratios and Rates
Math in the News: Issue 4--The Cost of Gasoline

Math in the News: Issue 4--The Cost of Gasoline

Math in the News: Issue 4--The Cost of Gasoline

4/11/11. In this issue we look at the high price of gasoline and investigate whether a hybrid car makes more economic sense. We look at various statistics to make a determination.

This is part of the Math in the News collection. To see the complete collection, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Related Resources

To see resources related to this topic click on the Related Resources tab above.

Data Analysis and Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 01

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 02

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 03

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 04

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 05

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 06

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 07

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 08

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 09

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates

Quizlet Flash Cards: Ratios from Shapes, Set 10

In this set of interactive flash cards, find the ratios for a given set of shapes.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete collection of Quizlet Flash Cards on this topic, click on this link:
Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: Scale Drawings

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: Scale Drawings

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: Scale Drawings

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Ratios and Proportions: Scale Drawings.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Ratios. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Video Library

To see the complete collection of videos in the Video Library, click on this link.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: Solving Proportions

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: Solving Proportions

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: Solving Proportions

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Ratios and Proportions: Solving Proportions.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Ratios. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: What Are Proportions?

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: What Are Proportions?

Video Transcript: Ratios and Proportions: What Are Proportions?

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Ratios and Proportions: What Are Proportions?

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Ratios. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Converting Measurement Units

Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Converting Measurement Units

Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Converting Measurement Units

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Ratios and Rates: Converting Measurement Units.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Ratios. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Rates and Slopes of Lines

Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Rates and Slopes of Lines

Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Rates and Slopes of Lines

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Ratios and Rates: Rates and Slopes of Lines.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Ratios. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Rates from Data

Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Rates from Data

Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Rates from Data

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorial: Ratios and Rates: Rates from Data.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Ratios. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Video Library

To see the complete collection of videos in the Video Library, click on this link.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Ratios as Decimals

Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Ratios as Decimals

Video Transcript: Ratios and Rates: Ratios as Decimals

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorials: Ratios and Rates: Ratios and Decimals.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Ratios. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Video Library

To see the complete collection of videos in the Video Library, click on this link.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios, Proportions, and Percents: Calculating Percents

Video Transcript: Ratios, Proportions, and Percents: Calculating Percents

Video Transcript: Ratios, Proportions, and Percents: Calculating Percents

This is the transcript that goes with the video segment entitled Video Tutorials: Ratios, Proportions, and Percents: Calculating Percents.

This is part of a collection of video transcripts for the video tutorial series on Ratios. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios: Equivalent Ratios

Video Transcript: Ratios: Equivalent Ratios

Video Transcript: Ratios: Equivalent Ratios

What Are Ratios?

A ratio is the relationship between two or more quantities among a group of items.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios: Fractional Ratios

Video Transcript: Ratios: Fractional Ratios

Video Transcript: Ratios: Fractional Ratios

What Are Ratios?

A ratio is the relationship between two or more quantities among a group of items.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios: Numerical Models for Ratios

Video Transcript: Ratios: Numerical Models for Ratios

Video Transcript: Ratios: Numerical Models for Ratios

What Are Ratios?

A ratio is the relationship between two or more quantities among a group of items.

Ratios and Rates
Video Transcript: Ratios: Rates

Video Transcript: Ratios: Rates

Video Transcript: Ratios: Rates

What Are Ratios?

A ratio is the relationship between two or more quantities among a group of items.

Ratios and Rates