Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 8 Unit 3

Functions and Volume

Lesson 4: Tables, Equations, and Graphs of Functions

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Topic
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 48 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 48 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 48


Exponential Functions


This example presents the exponential function y = -0.5 * e-x through a graph and table of x-y coordinates. The table provides points (-2, -3.695), (-1, -1.359), (0, -0.5), (1, -0.184), and (2, -0.068), which are plotted on the accompanying graph. Students are tasked with creating this table and graph to visualize the function's behavior.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 49 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 49 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 49


Exponential Functions


This example illustrates the exponential function y = -1 * e-0.6x through a graph and table of x-y coordinates. The table provides points (-2, -3.32), (-1, -1.822), (0, -1), (1, -0.549), and (2, -0.301), which are plotted on the accompanying graph. Students are challenged to create this table and graph to visualize the function's behavior.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 5 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 5 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 5


Exponential Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the exponential function y = -1 * 2-x. The image presents both a table of values and a graph plotted on a coordinate plane, with points labeled for x values from -2 to 2. This representation helps students visualize the behavior of a decreasing exponential function with a negative coefficient.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 50 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 50 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 50


Exponential Functions


This example showcases the exponential function y = 0.5 * ex through a graph and table of x-y coordinates. The table provides points (-2, 0.068), (-1, 0.184), (0, 0.5), (1, 1.359), and (2, 3.695), which are plotted on the accompanying graph. Students are tasked with creating this table and graph to visualize the function's behavior.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 51 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 51 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 51


Exponential Functions


This example illustrates the exponential function y = e0.6x through a graph and table of x-y coordinates. The table provides points (-2, -0.602), (-1, -1.098), (0, -2), (1, -3.644), and (2, -6.64), which are plotted on the accompanying graph. Students are challenged to create this table and graph to visualize the function's behavior.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 52 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 52 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 52


Exponential Functions


This example showcases the exponential function y = 0.6 * e0.7x through a graph and table of x-y coordinates. The table provides points (-2, 0.148), (-1, 0.298), (0, 0.6), (1, 1.208), and (2, 2.433), which are plotted on the accompanying graph. Students are tasked with creating this table and graph to visualize the function's behavior.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 53 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 53 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 53


Exponential Functions


This example illustrates the exponential function y = 0.7 * e-x through a graph and table of x-y coordinates. The table provides points (-2, 5.172), (-1, 1.903), (0, 0.7), (1, 0.258), and (2, 0.095), which are plotted on the accompanying graph showing a decreasing curve. Students are challenged to create this table and graph to visualize the function's behavior.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 54 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 54 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 54


Exponential Functions


This example presents the exponential function y = -1 * e0.6x through a graph and table of x-y coordinates. The table provides points (-2, -0.301), (-1, -0.549), (0, -1), (1, -1.822), and (2, -3.32), which are plotted on the accompanying graph showing a decreasing curve. Students are tasked with creating this table and graph to visualize the function's behavior.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 6 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 6 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 6


Exponential Functions


This example demonstrates the creation of a table of x-y coordinates and the graphing of the exponential function y = -3 * 2-x. The image provides both a table of values and a graph plotted on a coordinate plane, with points labeled for x values ranging from -2 to 2. This representation helps students visualize the behavior of a decreasing exponential function with a negative coefficient and a larger magnitude.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 7 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 7 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 7


Exponential Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the exponential function y = -1 * 2-3x. The image presents both a table of values and a graph plotted on a coordinate plane, with points labeled for x values from -2 to 2. This representation helps students visualize the behavior of a decreasing exponential function with a negative coefficient and a factor in the exponent.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 8 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 8 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 8


Exponential Functions


This example demonstrates the creation of a table of x-y coordinates and the graphing of the exponential function y = -4 * 2-3x. The image provides both a table of values and a graph plotted on a coordinate plane, with points labeled for x values ranging from -2 to 2. This representation helps students visualize the behavior of a decreasing exponential function with a negative coefficient, a larger magnitude, and a factor in the exponent.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 9 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 9 Math Example--Exponential Concepts--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 9


Exponential Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the exponential function y = -0.5 * 2x. The image presents both a table of values and a graph, displaying the function's behavior. The table lists x-y coordinates for x values from -2 to 2, with corresponding y values calculated using the given function. This representation helps students visualize an exponential function with a negative fractional coefficient.

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 1 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 1 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 1




Analyze the effect of building a new function f(x + a) from f(x) = x, where a = 1. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = x shifts horizontally by adding a to the input. substituting a = 1, the new function becomes f(x + a) = x + 1. the graph shifts one unit up.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 10 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 10 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 10




Analyze the effect of building a new function f(x) + a from f(x) = x2, where a = 1. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = x2 shifts vertically by adding a to the output. substituting a = 1, the new function becomes f(x) + a = x2 + 1. the graph shifts one unit upward.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 11 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 11 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 11




The problem involves analyzing the effect on the function f(x) = x2 when a constant a is subtracted. The specific scenario is for a = 1. The goal is to determine how the graph of f(x) is transformed. This example shows the effect on the function when subtracting a constant a from f(x) shifts the graph of f(x) downward by a units. for a = 1, the function becomes f(x) - a = x2 - 1. this results in a vertical shift down, as shown by the new graph in blue compared to the original in red.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 12 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 12 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 12




The problem examines the effect on the function f(x) = x2 when it is scaled by a constant a. The specific case here is a = -1. The goal is to describe the transformation caused by the scaling. This example shows the effect on the function when multiplying f(x) by a constant a reflects the graph across the x-axis if a < 0. for a = -1, the function becomes a * f(x) = -x2. this results in a reflection of the original graph (in red) to the inverted graph (in blue).

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 2 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 2 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 2




Analyze the effect of building a new function f(x - a) from f(x) = x, where a = 1. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = x shifts horizontally by subtracting a from the input. substituting a = 1, the new function becomes f(x - a) = x - 1. the graph shifts one unit down.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 3 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 3 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 3




Analyze the effect of building a new function a * f(x) from f(x) = x, where a = 2. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = x scales vertically by multiplying the output by a. substituting a = 2, the new function becomes a * f(x) = 2x. the graph is stretched vertically.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 4 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 4 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 4




Analyze the effect of building a new function a * f(x) from f(x) = x, where a = -2. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = x scales vertically and reflects across the x-axis due to the negative value of a. substituting a = -2, the new function becomes a * f(x) = -2x. the graph is reflected and stretched vertically.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 5 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 5 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 5




Analyze the effect of building a new function f(x + a) from f(x) = 3x, where a = 1. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = 3x shifts horizontally by adding a to the input. substituting a = 1, the new function becomes f(x + a) = 3x + 1. the graph shifts one unit up.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 6 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 6 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 6




Analyze the effect of building a new function f(x - a) from f(x) = 3x, where a = 1. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = 3x shifts horizontally by subtracting a from the input. substituting a = 1, the new function becomes f(x - a) = 3x - 1. the graph shifts one unit down.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 7 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 7 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 7




Analyze the effect of building a new function a * f(x + b) from f(x) = 3x, where a = 2 and b = 1. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = 3x first shifts horizontally by adding b to the input, and then scales vertically by a. substituting a = 2 and b = 1, the new function becomes a * f(x + b) = 6x + 2. the graph is shifted and stretched vertically.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 8 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 8 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 8




Analyze the effect of building a new function f(x + a) from f(x) = x2, where a = 1. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = x2 shifts horizontally by adding a to the input. substituting a = 1, the new function becomes f(x + a) = (x + 1)2. the graph shifts one unit to the left.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 9 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 9 Math Example--Function Concepts--Building Functions: Example 9




Analyze the effect of building a new function f(x - a) from f(x) = x2, where a = 1. Graph the transformation and calculate the new function. This example shows the effect on the function when the function f(x) = x2 shifts horizontally by subtracting a from the input. substituting a = 1, the new function becomes f(x - a) = (x - 1)2. the graph shifts one unit to the right.

Relations and Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 1 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 1 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 1


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates how to create a table of x-y coordinates and graph the linear function y = 2x + 4. The image shows both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 4), (1, 6), (2, 8), (3, 10), and (4, 12), illustrating how the y-value increases by 2 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 10 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 10 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 10


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates how to create a table of x-y coordinates and graph the linear function y = -x + 6. The image shows both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 6), (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), and (4, 2), illustrating how the y-value decreases by 1 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 11 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 11 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 11


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = -x - 8. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, -8), (1, -9), (2, -10), (3, -11), and (4, -12), showing how the y-value decreases by 1 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 12 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 12 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 12


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates the creation of a table of x-y coordinates and the graphing of the linear function y = -x. The image displays both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 0), (1, -1), (2, -2), (3, -3), and (4, -4), illustrating how the y-value decreases by 1 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 13 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 13 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 13


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = 0.5x + 4. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 4), (1, 4.5), (2, 5), (3, 5.5), and (4, 6), showing how the y-value increases by 0.5 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 14 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 14 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 14


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates how to create a table of x-y coordinates and graph the linear function y = 0.1x - 5. The image shows both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, -5), (1, -4.9), (2, -4.8), (3, -4.7), and (4, -4.6), illustrating how the y-value increases by 0.1 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 15 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 15 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 15


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = 0.2x. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 0), (1, 0.2), (2, 0.4), (3, 0.6), and (4, 0.8), showing how the y-value increases by 0.2 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 16 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 16 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 16


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates how to create a table of x-y coordinates and graph the linear function y = -0.5x + 7. The image shows both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 7), (1, 6.5), (2, 6), (3, 5.5), and (4, 5), illustrating how the y-value decreases by 0.5 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 17 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 17 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 17


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = -0.1x - 4. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, -4), (1, -4.1), (2, -4.2), (3, -4.3), and (4, -4.4), showing how the y-value decreases by 0.1 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 18 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 18 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 18


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates how to create a table of x-y coordinates and graph the linear function y = -0.6x. The image shows both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 0), (1, -0.6), (2, -1.2), (3, -1.8), and (4, -2.4), illustrating how the y-value decreases by 0.6 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 19 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 19 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 19


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = 0x. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), and (4, 0), showing how the y-value remains constant at 0 for all values of x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 2 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 2 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 2


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = 3x - 2. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, -2), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 7), and (4, 10), showing how the y-value increases by 3 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 20 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 20 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 20


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates how to create a table of x-y coordinates and graph the linear function y = 0x - 6. The image shows both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, -6), (1, -6), (2, -6), (3, -6), and (4, -6), illustrating how the y-value remains constant at -6 for all values of x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 21 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 21 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 21


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = 0 * x + 4. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 4), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4), and (4, 4), showing how the y-value remains constant at 4 for all values of x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 3 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 3 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 3


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates the creation of a table of x-y coordinates and the graphing of the linear function y = 5x. The image displays both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 0), (1, 5), (2, 10), (3, 15), and (4, 20), illustrating how the y-value increases by 5 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 4 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 4 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 4


Linear Functions


This example showcases the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = -2x + 5. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 5), (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, -1), and (4, -3), demonstrating how the y-value decreases by 2 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 5 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 5 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 5


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the creation of a table of x-y coordinates and the graphing of the linear function y = -3x - 4. The image displays both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, -4), (1, -7), (2, -10), (3, -13), and (4, -16), showing how the y-value decreases by 3 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 6 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 6 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 6


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates how to create a table of x-y coordinates and graph the linear function y = -6x. The image shows both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 0), (1, -6), (2, -12), (3, -18), and (4, -24), illustrating how the y-value decreases by 6 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 7 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 7 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 7


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = x + 7. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 7), (1, 8), (2, 9), (3, 10), and (4, 11), showing how the y-value increases by 1 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 8 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 8 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 8


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates the creation of a table of x-y coordinates and the graphing of the linear function y = x - 8. The image displays both a graph and a table representing this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, -8), (1, -7), (2, -6), (3, -5), and (4, -4), illustrating how the y-value increases by 1 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 9 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 9 Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Linear Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 9


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of creating a table of x-y coordinates and graphing the linear function y = x. The image presents both a graph and a table for this function. The table includes coordinate pairs (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), and (4, 4), showing how the y-value increases by 1 for each unit increase in x.

Graphs of Linear Functions
Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 1 Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 1 Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 2




This example illustrates the relationship between quadratic functions and their graphical representations. The image shows a table of values and the corresponding graph of a quadratic function, highlighting how changes in the equation affect the graph's shape and position. Understanding this relationship is crucial for interpreting and predicting the behavior of quadratic functions. Skills involved include plotting points, recognizing parabolic shapes, and analyzing vertex and axis of symmetry.

Graphs of Quadratic Functions and Quadratic Equations and Functions
Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 10 Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 10 Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 10



Graphs of Quadratic Functions and Quadratic Equations and Functions
Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 11 Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 11 Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 11



Graphs of Quadratic Functions and Quadratic Equations and Functions
Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 12 Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 12 Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 12




In this example, a quadratic function is shown in tabular and graphic format. Analyzing these different representations of a function is important and provides relevant information about the quadratic function. This example highlights the relationship between the equation and its graph, showing the parabolic curve and how it opens downward. Key features such as the vertex and intercepts are easily identifiable, which are crucial for understanding the function's behavior.

Graphs of Quadratic Functions and Quadratic Equations and Functions
Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 13 Math Example--Quadratics--Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 13 Quadratic Functions in Tabular and Graph Form: Example 13




In this example, a quadratic function is shown in tabular and graphic format. Analyzing these different representations of a function is important and provides relevant information about the quadratic function. The example illustrates how the coefficients in the quadratic equation affect the graph's shape and direction, allowing for a deeper understanding of the function's properties.

Graphs of Quadratic Functions and Quadratic Equations and Functions